Hi to all;
is it possible to configure NetWorker scheduled backups for Unix clients with password protection?
I have red the Legato documentation and I understand that is only possible to protect the backups with password for Windows and Netware clients.
I have a NetBackup BusinessServer 4.5 at Windows2000 Server.
It is possible to configure the backup in order to run a pre-backup script and a post-backup script?
For example, I want to stop the SQL services before the backup starts, backup the databases and finally restart the SQL services...
we have a NetWorker 6.1.2 server at Windows2000.
the backup server has been working fine until now; when we want to inventory the library, the following error is reported:can´t fetch old volumes
Do you know this error?
with NetWorker 5 you need 1 Cluster Client connection for each physical and virtual machines. In your case, you will need 4 Cluster Client Connection. With NetWorker 6, this has changed; now, you will need only 2 Cluster Client Connection: one for each physical machine.
I hope this can help...
I have two Win2000 servers, server A and server B.
Is it possible to launch a system command from server A in order to run a script at server B?
Thanks in advance...........
with Legato Networker server, Power Edition or Network Edition, you can do backup of 10 clients of the same operating system that NetWorker server (the NetWorker server is a client too).
If you want to do backup of more clients, you must buy additional NetWorker Client Connections.
In order to determine which nsrmmd process is using the drive, there are several methods that can be used to obtain this information:
1- fuser Method: Enter the following command:
fuser device_name (Example: fuser /dev/rmt/0hbn)
You will receive output similar to the following...
you must change Browse and Retention policies for your backups; the other option is to put the first tape in "recyc" mode when you see that this tape could be used again.
I have experienced this problem;
it can be resolved introducing the networker.msi file for the version you want to upgrade. In your case, you must introduce CD-ROM containing NetWorker.msi file for 6.0.2 version.
I hope this can solve your problem
I have seen at the Legato Software Compatibility Guide that the ClientPak 6.1.1 for Linux supports SuSE 6.4,7.0,7.1 and 7.3.
But the problem is that I have SuSE 7.2.
Does anyone know if there is any problem with the Legato Client 6.1.1 for Linux and SuSE 7.2?
Is it possible to configure NetWorker to can see all backuped files in some log file?
If I mark "verbose" option at the group options, only some files are reported to the savegrp.log file and the "suppressed x lines of output" message is displayed.
Thanks in advance.
Is it possible to do backup of a NAS (network storage) system using a Legato NetWorker server (NetWorker is installed in a WindowsNT 4.0 system)?
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