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Search results for query: *

  1. mscraig

    Table of Contents for PDF

    Russ, What you are talking about is possible. It is rather involved. Your idea of a table of contents is Ok, but I found that making BookMarks on the fly was a slicker solution than a Table of contents. You'll need to manipulate the Post Script code in your .ps files. Check out Pdfmarkex.ps...
  2. mscraig

    Access development book - which one?

    Generally speaking, Ken Getz is the author you need. The books Ed listed from Sybex I think are Ken Getz books.
  3. mscraig

    Pass a query's field Value to Function

    Try this minor variation: Function ActiveEmployeeName() As String Dim rstError As Recordset Dim db as DataBase Dim str as String Set db = CurrentDb Set rstError = db.OpenRecordset("qrySelectCountofActiveEmployees") With rstError Do Until .EOF str = !LastName ActiveEmployeeName =...
  4. mscraig

    Close a database from another

    Try using in your code. db1.Close or db2.Close Compact can also be accomplished as part of the opening command associated with a desk top Icon. Look for "Start up CommandLine Options" in Help. "\cmd"
  5. mscraig

    Set Up Custom Import of Excel Spreadsheet to Access

    I don't think what you are looking for is available in a one step method. I usually handle this by importing the spreadsheet in it's predefined layout, then I do a maketable query of the imported sheet to put it in the layout/mapping I need.
  6. mscraig

    Opening Database 2 from within Database1

    Try: Dim Db as DataBase Dim Db2 as DataBase Set Db = CurrentDb() Set Db2= DBEngine.Workspaces(0).OpenDatabase ("G:\reinledg\Midnight\697LPC\LPCCashImport.mdb") 'The Set statement is all on one line.
  7. mscraig

    Fill Listbox with the Captions and names of all Reports

    You might be able to query the information (List of Reports) for the hidden system table MSysObjects. The "Type" field seems to have unique numeric identifiers for each type of object. The names of the reports ar also listed.
  8. mscraig

    Selection Window in Access/VBA

    I believe what your looking for is an ActiveX Object which is not availabe in standard Access. Developers edition probably has it. You can also usually get the object by installing the Library package from one of the Microsoft Visual languages such as VB6. I noticed that when I installed VB6...
  9. mscraig

    Problem using Worksheet Functions???

    As best I can tell, those function are not allowed in Access. You might try simply linking to the worksheet and perform your calcs in the excel worksheet. The link is dynamic.
  10. mscraig

    Filtering out null or empty fields

    Try - Is Not Null - instead of <> null. Sometimes Access doesn't interpret <> null correctly. Also continue to use <> &quot; &quot; in your criteria. Sometimes - Not Like &quot; &quot; - works.
  11. mscraig

    Using Charts in reports

    There are some Help files available for Graph8 (the resident Access graph package) in the ValuePack available in Service Pack 1. If you have access to the MS Office CD look for Valupack\Valupk8.hlp, double click and a master help file opens. Choose &quot;Additional Help Files&quot;. The info...
  12. mscraig

    Can data from text boxes be used to fill charts

    I've done some work of this kind before and the two ways I found to accomplish the task were: Assign the values of the text boxes to text variables. 1. Have chart data supplied by a Query which has criteria using the variables in a SQL string. 2. Put the text box variables into a table...
  13. mscraig

    Have Count() Return Zero

    In your report in the object (ex. textbox) try something like: =iif(Count() is null,0,Count()) Some variation on this idea should solve your problem.
  14. mscraig

    Have Count() Return Zero

    In your report in the object (ex. textbox) try something like: =iif(Count() is null,0,Count()) Some variation on this idea should solve your problem.
  15. mscraig

    Trying to incorporate a Union query in an Append query

    You might try putting your UNION SQL into a Query Definition. Then use the query definition as the record source (like a table) for your Append/Insert SQL. Union statements generally don't allow much going on other than the Union other than something like an Order By.
  16. mscraig

    Date() Function

    Check out the DatePart() function in the help files. It might fit the bill.
  17. mscraig

    default printer

    There is some code available for this written by Ken Getz/Paul Litwin, &quot;Microsoft Access97 Developer's Handbook&quot;, ISBN 0782119417. I have also seen it on the web but I don't remember where. Ken Getz allows this code to be used for free as long as credit is properly given. Good luck.
  18. mscraig

    SQL... is the syntax correct?

    If you are using Access 95 or newer put your SQL in one string instead of concantonating several MySql strings: MySql = &quot;SELECT tblTimeSheets.StartingDate &quot; & _ &quot;FROM tblUser INNER JOIN tblTimeSheets &quot; & _ &quot;ON tblUser.UserID = tblTimeSheets.UserID &quot...
  19. mscraig

    Requery a combo box on current record

    Try using the Requery command on the individual objects. I have had some success that way. Example: TextBox1.Requery Combox1.Requery Put this code in the On_Change or After_Update commands in your form coding. You can Requery all or just some of your text controls this way.
  20. mscraig

    Crosstab Queries Driving Me Crazy!!

    I had hair before cross tabs, I'm bald now. You might try making a MakeTable Query using the CrossTab query as the source (a query of a query). Run your report from the resulting MakeTable.

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