Partner Messaging is GOOD, features available depend on the Release (R1, R6, or R7 - they skipped R2 through R5 to keep the Messaging release current with ACS Release availability). Log into the System Administrator's mailbox, but then press 7 instead of 9, and you will hear the release...
If you want calls answered by the Auto Attendant, and then the caller transfers to ring a group of extensions, add the extensions to one of the 4 calling groups, 1, 2, 3, or 4. The group extension numbers are 71, 72, 73, and 74. Group 1 is usually used for paging, so I recommend Group 2, 3, or...
You have lost your programming, the voicemail system is no longer programmed correctly with the phone system, and it is trying to answer all incoming calls without knowing what to do with them once it grabs a line.
A photo of the control unit would help greatly, it would tell us what voicemail...
This sounds like ASA - Auto System Answer. Built into the Partner II and part of a PCMCIA card that could be added to the ACS systems. It answers after X rings with a 10 second message and then places the call on Hold. No ability for the caller to dial anything to direct their call, that was the...
chakib - start a new thread for a new question that doesn't pertain to the current thread.
And use Google, here's your answer
Enable logging in VMPro Client, restart VM service, leave a test voicemail. Go to /opt/vmpro/logs to find the most current SMTP log. It is plain text and you can see the attempt of VMPro to send the email and the SMTP server's responses.
Remember to turn logging OFF and restart service once...
That's Partner Messaging. Press 7 instead of 9 to hear the release of the Voicemail.
You're not going to be able to make just a mailbox answer in one mode of operation and the auto attendant answer in the other. You can only assign the lines to VMS Line Cover, where an extension's mailbox...
Which version of voicemail? Partner Mail, Partner Mail VS, Partner Messaging, Partner Voice Messaging?
So, in Day Mode, you would like calls to ring and cover to a single mailbox, but in Night Mode you would like calls to be answered by an Automated Attendant?
Yes, I understand that the Valcom is actually a K-12 Intercom system, and that it uses a CO port to interface to a pbx. Earlier in the thread there are several posts recommending that OP get an ATM-4 and interface it that way. Just pointing out the difference and limitations in using a CO port...
I'd like to point out that if you go with an analogue Trunk port for paging, you will NOT be able to page all phones AND loudspeakers at the same time. The Trunk that you use for paging will get a unique Line Group number and your short code will be Dial on that particular line group, It won't...
If it is a legacy Partner system, and the memory has been lost after a power failure, and the voicemail card is still functional, incoming calls will ring one time, the voicemail will answer, and since the Partner is no longer programmed, the VM will announce "Transferring to Receptionist" and...
Put some kind of voicemail card in it, with the Dial-0/Timeout option set to the unused extension (or default to Ext. 10, just use Ext. 11 as your programming extension and leave 10 unconnected to anything)
I suppose if you set Transfer Return Rings to zero (#105-0) and Ring on Transfer to Not Active (#119-2), you would be able to transfer to a physical extension number (doesn't have to have a phone connected) and you would hear the MOH until you disconnected.
Use a Voicemail Pro module that has you enter the extension number, pulls the and announces the current status of DND for that extension number, then offers you the choice to enable or disable DND, then re-pulls and -re-announces the status.
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