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Search results for query: *

  1. Catrina

    Compacting MSAccess Database File (.MDB) in ADO

    Dim JRO As JRO.JetEngine Dim stSource Dim stTarget PW$ = "Password" Set JRO = New JRO.JetEngine Access.Close stSource = "PROVIDER=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & _ " Data Source=pdp.mdb;Jet OLEDB:Database Password=" & PW$ stTarget =...
  2. Catrina

    Resetting database password after compacting

    Dim JRO As JRO.JetEngine Dim stSource Dim stTarget PW$ = "Password" Set JRO = New JRO.JetEngine Access.Close stSource = "PROVIDER=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;" & _ " Data Source=pdp.mdb;Jet OLEDB:Database Password=" & PW$ stTarget =...
  3. Catrina

    Serious Help Needed on Setup

    Custsoft, What I eventually did was rename setup1.exe, setup12.exe and changed the Spawn = setup1.exe in the setup.lst file to Spawn = setup12.exe. The setup ran after that. I have not had problems since (even when I went back to using setup1.exe on other setup routines) Catrina
  4. Catrina

    Runtime Error 0 - Any information out there??

    TAPI = Windows Telephony API. A 3rd Party communication control uses it when dialing out through the modem. The control had an updateTAPI.exe included in the package, that I ran, and the problem was fixed. Catrina
  5. Catrina

    Problem with KeyPress event and KeyAscii

    If Text1.SelStart = 2 Then Text1.Text = Text1.Text & "/" Text1.SelStart = 4 End If If Text1.SelStart = 5 Then Text1.Text = Text1.Text & "/" Text1.SelStart = 7 End If Catrina
  6. Catrina

    Runtime Error 0 - Any information out there??

    I've encountered a Runtime error 0 that was caused when trying to dial with a 3rd party control. In my case the computer with the error had an incorrect TAPI version. Not sure if that helps at all, but thought I'd mention it. Catrina
  7. Catrina

    Serious Help Needed on Setup

    Eric, Thank you for trying to help, but either you didn't read my messages carefully, or you misunderstood them. My VB is fine. My installs work on all machines except the one an install blew up on. The problem is not with my VB, my install or my application, it is with one machine. Catrina...
  8. Catrina

    Serious Help Needed on Setup

    Peter, What I have been doing is packaging my application to a directory on my machine. To test it I have just been clicking on the setup.exe. When it worked I then copied it to the problem machine via the network, and it will not run when I go to that machine and click on the setup.exe that I...
  9. Catrina

    Serious Help Needed on Setup

    <I dont understund this !? <I put this new setup1.exe in the PDWizard directory and <repackaged my application The PDW of VB created just a Setup.exe ,you must recompile the .vbp (visual Basic project,and first compile de .exe again) with the PDW wizzard of VB6 Eric De Decker>>> Eric, The...
  10. Catrina

    Serious Help Needed on Setup

    I have a major problem. I changed the setup1.exe and compiled an application using it. I mistakenly left a stop statement in it. When I tried to run the setup, I got the error &quot;Stop Statement Found&quot;, so I took all the stops out and compiled again. I put this new setup1.exe in the...
  11. Catrina

    Opening an Access DB with password using DAO

    I have an app that is usin DAO (I am Used to ADO), and I'm having trouble with opening the passworded database. I am getting the message Not a Valid Password when I know it is. Here is my code: Set db = DBEngine(0).OpenDatabase(&quot;pdp.mdb&quot;, , , &quot;Jet OLEDB;password=mypass&quot;)...
  12. Catrina

    SQL statement not working as wanted

    I am using Access with a VB project. I am creating Queries to help with reports. I have employee totals stored in a table as strings(I have to store them this way to be compatable with the program the totals are tranmitted to). Negative numbers are stored as 00500-. When summing these I need to...
  13. Catrina

    Creating a Table in Access with an AutoNumber Field

    I want to create a table with an AutoNumber Field, but I can not find information on the syntax. Is it possible? Thanks in advance for any help. Catrina Here is my statement as is: db.Execute &quot;CREATE TABLE RateRec ([RREmp] TEXT(6), &quot; _ & &quot;[RRSeq] TEXT (1), &quot; _...
  14. Catrina

    Serious Help needed! ERROR 3633 on DAO Application

    I am using VB 6.0 with SP4 connecting to an Access 2000 database. I am trying to install my application on a Win95 machine The application is from the MS Website Q183638 HowTo Create A Custom Text File Import Routine. It uses DAO to connect to the database. The application works perfectly on my...
  15. Catrina

    I've got a problem making report by

    You can set the reports orientation before printing ex: RptHourly.Orientation = rptOrientLandscape Hope this helps Catrina
  16. Catrina

    Checking a date field for no entry

    I have a date field that holds termination date. I need to create a query to find all employees with no term dates. I have tried IsNull, =NULL, =&quot;&quot;, and =&quot; &quot; none of these work. How can I search for an empty Date Field. Thanks in advance. Catrina
  17. Catrina

    Problems with skipped reports when printing on a Network printer

    I have creatred 2 reports using the DataEnvironment and DataReports. My problem is I call the printing of the reports one right after the other. When I am using the printer connected to my machine, they are fine, but when using a network printer, the first report does not print. When I step...
  18. Catrina

    Problems with CreateTable

    I am new to using Access in Vb. I am trying to create a table to run a report from(I had several problems getting the data the way I needed,so I tried this). I am using DataEnvironment and Datareport. The report will run once, but if I try to run it a second time, I get the error: &quot;Record...
  19. Catrina

    SQL Statement Problem

    I am using an Access 2000 database and trying to create reports for a payroll application. I have created queries in Access to draw the report information from. I am using VB DataEnvironment and Datareport. I have on report working, but have a problem with the second that I can not figure out...
  20. Catrina

    Trouble creating a query to pull the info I need

    Thank you, got that working, now one more question. The Null fields mean Normal Salary will be paid, and I need the report to print &quot;Normal Salary&quot;. How and where do I check for the null fields. Here is what I tried, but it did not work. I'm not sure how to find the Null fields. SQL$...

Part and Inventory Search
