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Serious Help Needed on Setup

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Feb 11, 2000
I have a major problem.

I changed the setup1.exe and compiled an application using it. I mistakenly left a stop statement in it. When I tried to run the setup, I got the error "Stop Statement Found", so I took all the stops out and compiled again. I put this new setup1.exe in the PDWizard directory and repackaged my application. But I am still getting the error on the machine I tried to install on originally. The install works fine on my machine, but even when I use the original setup1.exe that came with VB, I still get the same error on the original machine.

I am assuming that the first install stored the setup with the stop in it someplace and it is continuing to use it. I have deleted all setup1.exe from the machine, and cleared the Windows\temp files, I don't know what else to do.

I have to get this working today. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I dont understund this !?

<I put this new setup1.exe in the PDWizard directory and
<repackaged my application

The PDW of VB created just a Setup.exe ,you must recompile the .vbp (visual Basic project,and first compile de .exe again) with the PDW wizzard of VB6 Eric De Decker

License And Copy Protection AxtiveX.

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No, the setup1.exe that you think is in the wizard folder either
a) is not the compiled one without the stop.
b) the wizard is not picking it up from there.

For a) check the date, for b) delete setup1.exe and see if the wizard still works.

Make sure that setup1.exe is in pdwiz folder and not the setup1 one below it and check in vb6dep.ini, that says where setup1 is.

I think
<I dont understund this !?

<I put this new setup1.exe in the PDWizard directory and
<repackaged my application

The PDW of VB created just a Setup.exe ,you must recompile the .vbp (visual Basic project,and first compile de .exe again) with the PDW wizzard of VB6
Eric De Decker>>>


The setup1.exe is in the cab, it is called by setup.exe. To make changes in the installation, you change the setup1.exe as well as the setup.lst. I did recompile and repackage the application as I stated in my first message.


<<No, the setup1.exe that you think is in the wizard folder <<either
<<a) is not the compiled one without the stop.
<<b) the wizard is not picking it up from there.

<<For a) check the date, for b) delete setup1.exe and see <<if the wizard still works.

<<Make sure that setup1.exe is in pdwiz folder and not the <<setup1 one below it and check in vb6dep.ini, that says <<where setup1 is.

<<I think


The setup1.exe I am using is the one WITHOUT the stop.

The new setup runs on my machine, but not the machine the installation blew up on. As stated in my first message after I received the error, I fixed the setup1.vbp, made a new setup1.exe and put in in the correct directory for the PDW to pick it up. I re-packaged my application with the corrected setup1.exe, but it still will not run on the original machine that I tried to install the stop statement setup. I know it is correct, because it will install on my machine.

The installation stopped right at the beginning. Just after setup.exe called setup1.exe, files were copied but no icons set, so I can not uninstall. Someplace on the machine the setup1.exe was copied and renamed, and the new installation is not replacing it.

I did get an installation to work by changing the name of setup1.exe to setup12.exe and calling that exe from setup.exe.

But now I will have to change that for each application I install on that machine. I really would like to get the old setup1.exe off.

Here is what I have tried already:

1. Uninstalling: Had not gotten to to point to set the icon
2. Deleted all setup1.exe from the machine
3. Looked for anything setup1: Found none
4. Deleted all windows temp files

Nothing has worked. As I said, the installation does work when I change the name of the setup1 file, but I don't want to have to do this continually.

You mentioned the cab file. Has this something to o with it? Clearly you cant be running the same setup1.exe on your computer that you are on the other one?

What I have been doing is packaging my application to a directory on my machine. To test it I have just been clicking on the setup.exe. When it worked I then copied it to the problem machine via the network, and it will not run when I go to that machine and click on the setup.exe that I just copied that just worked on my machine. I get the stop statement error.

I have even run the setup sitting in a directory on the problem machine from my machine and it worked, but trying to run the setup in a directory on my machine from the problem machine, still same error.

I know I have the correct setup1.exe.


Doesn't make any sense does it. I still can't see that you are running the programme you think you are, unless there is something in there that happens to give the same error on the duff machine. Just to make sure that you are running it, why don't you recompile setup1.exe with a message box right at the start or somesuch, and then do the package and copy and just make sure that your message box comes up. If it does, and you still get the stop, send me the whole thing if you like and I'll see if I can see anything wrong.

Or you could accidentally drop the duff pc out of the window.

Thank you for trying to help, but either you didn't read my messages carefully, or you misunderstood them. My VB is fine. My installs work on all machines except the one an install blew up on. The problem is not with my VB, my install or my application, it is with one machine.



Thanks for the offer, but sending you the installation would not do much good as it works on all other machines I have tried. As I said, I finally ran it on the problem machine after changing the name of the setup1.exe to setup12.exe. Since I've got a work around, I guess I'll just chalk it up to one of those VB mysteries.

Thanks for all you help

I hate it when you never actually find out what was wrong. I'm pleased it works with your fix anyway. I wonder what was wrong?

I experienced the exact same setup1 problem that you described. I modified my Setup1.vbp to display message boxes in several subroutines. None of the message boxes would display. It was strange, the older Setup1 code was being executed. It was like the old Setup1.exe was a hidden somewhere, and the old code was being executed, not the new code. Your description surprised me because it accurately described what happened to me. It was nice to see this is a real problem, and it wasn't just me.

Aside from your work-around, have you solved this mystery? Has Microsoft said anything about it?


Catrina, Brendan -

Do a file search on all drives for setup1.exe. I suspect an old copy might be lying around somewhere, and it's getting called instead of your modified version.

Chip H.

I have had the exact problem you experienced. Did you ever resolve it. Thanks for your help. Isn't VB just great? Joe
custsoft -

Do you have the version number in your Project Properties set to auto-increment? If the version of an executable is the same as what's already on disk, the installer won't overwrite it (leaving the bad version there).

Chip H.

What I eventually did was rename setup1.exe, setup12.exe and changed the Spawn = setup1.exe in the setup.lst file to Spawn = setup12.exe. The setup ran after that. I have not had problems since (even when I went back to using setup1.exe on other setup routines)

Thanks Catrina & Chiph for your help but maybe it is not the setup at all. I am trying to install my application in a different directory on my development machine. I am getting a run-time error 75, path/file access error. I also tried installing the same package on another machine and I got the same error but that machine also had VB installed on it. Could that be the problem in that it has to be a &quot;clean&quot; machine. I am just grasping here.

Also if I do modify the setup1 project where would you suggest putting some code to copy some files off of the install CD to the apppath. Including these file in the setup installation process is extremely slow. I just want to filecopy these files. Thanks again. Joe
Forget the upon thought on a &quot;clean&quot; machine, I tried it and it didn't work. I added a msgbox to the install button in the setup1.vbp, compiled it and then ran the package & deployment wizard in the project I am trying to install. The setup never halted where I inserted the msgbox. It seems that I can't update the setup1.exe. It doesn't seem to be executing the new version even though I am compiling it and re-packaging. Any thoughts. Thanks for any help.
Apparantly this is a bug in VB. I was on service pack 3 and updated to service pack 5 and the problem went away. Now anytime I change setup1 it shows up when I compile it and repackage my app. Weird.
I've been busy all day trying to solve this problem. I've scoured the MSDN and the net, but to no avial. Setup.exe, runs an OLD setup1.exe, no matter what you do.

I can not find an old setup1.exe anywhere on the machine.

I'll upgrade to service pack 5, see if that helps.
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