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Search results for query: *

  1. krichard

    Summed Hours Worked in Report

    Hi Guys... i really appreciate everyone's help on this... the function above... =Sum(Val(TimeSheetQuery!EmployeeHours)) just returns 0's I have this formula below working on a form, with a subform, for when I am entering the employees hours... =[TimeSheet Subform].Form!SummedHoursMinutes...
  2. krichard

    Summed Hours Worked in Report

    Option Compare Database Option Explicit Public Function HoursAndMinutes(interval As Variant) As String '*********************************************************************** ' Function HoursAndMinutes(interval As Variant) As String ' Returns time interval formatted as a hours:minutes string...
  3. krichard

    Summed Hours Worked in Report

    Hi Paul.. I have my employeeId in the group header, and I created a group footer, and i entered this calculation to total my hours for that person =Sum(TimeSheetQuery!EmployeeHours) and i get the following error: datatype mismatch in criteria expression thanks for your help..
  4. krichard

    Summed Hours Worked in Report

    It does come out as a number... actually a time... i have 8:00 for the amount of hours/minutes past... left aligned. now i just want to add the hours up for each employeeid..
  5. krichard

    Summed Hours Worked in Report

    SELECT EmployeeId, Sum(EmployeeHours) FROM TimeSheetQuery GROUP BY EmployeeId I tried that and i am still getting the Error: Datatype mismatch in criteria...
  6. krichard

    Summed Hours Worked in Report

    SELECT EmployeeId, Sum(HoursAndMinutes) As EXPR1 FROM TimeSheetQuery GROUP BY EmployeeId Error: Datatype mismatch in criteria... This is the calculation in my TimeSheetQuery Expr1: HoursandMinutes([TimeOut]-[TimeIn]) I want to add up the total hours worked for each employeeID #... So I made...
  7. krichard

    Summed Hours Worked in Report

    hmmm.. can you explain to me how i would go about doing that? Thank you!
  8. krichard

    Summed Hours Worked in Report

    Hello.. Hopefully this is my last question... I would like to sum the total hours worked for each employee in a report... right now my report is displaying the total hours for each day, so I have Eric listed 5 times because he worked 5 days, and his hours for each day are listed next to his...
  9. krichard

    Printing Report

    IT WORKED! THANK YOU ... :-)
  10. krichard

    Printing Report

    Hi... I would like to print out a report, where it is sorted by the employee name.. I have a First Name Header, and then I have all the details for that employee under details... when it prints out, sometimes it will list the employee name at the end of the page, and then list all of their...
  11. krichard

    Order By Question

    That worked!!! Thank you! I do have one other question... i will post as new question... thanks again!
  12. krichard

    Order By Question

    Its "employees" from my employees table.
  13. krichard

    Order By Question

    Hi... I have a Timesheet form, that has a subform in it... The main form just has an employee ID, and Name at the top... when i click to the next record, it goes in order of employeeID, but I want it to go in order of Employee Name... there is no order by in the properties for my code...
  14. krichard

    Background Image

    Thank you for your help! :-)
  15. krichard

    Background Image

    Ok... nevermind, i found a new piece of code that does mostly what i want... onmouseover="document.getElementById('changeThisBG').style.backgroundImage='URL(images/links/BerkshireEast.gif)';> I can get the above code to work, but when i add the following code... background-repeat: no-repeat...
  16. krichard

    Background Image

    Hello... I have a script that changes the background image for the whole page when you mouseover a link... I would like to modify the code so that it only changes the background in a specific cell in a table... IS THIS POSSIBLE? I would appreciate any help with this! Thanks Kim <script...
  17. krichard

    Double Image Mouseover

    NEVERMIND.. I GOT IT! I put the mouseover code in the link section instead of the image code! THANKS SO MUCH!
  18. krichard

    Double Image Mouseover

    hmmm... sorry! It still isn't working... any suggestions?
  19. krichard

    Double Image Mouseover

    Hello... I added the code that you gave me above, and i can't get the two images to appear when I mouseover, nor does the opacity change on the main image, when I mouseover... Could you please take a look at my code??? THANKS <script> function showImages() {...
  20. krichard

    Double Image Mouseover

    Hello... I would like to mouseover Image 1 in the center of my page, and have Image A and Image B appear above and below Image 1 and stay on mouseout... Can anyone help me out with a script for this function?? THANKS KIMBERLY!

Part and Inventory Search
