Thanks for the reply. I do not intent to break any rules. It was only a polite request just because I don't see any other way... Anyway, I'll put up a system summary of what I know, so you can have a bit of background (but probably won't be much). I've never used modem, but can set it up. I'll...
Thanks for the answer. I think that would be over my technical knowledge, and of course, I could learn by reading but I don't think I could get it done anytime soon. I'm wondering if theres a possibility for someone of you to help me remotely to program the switch of the trunks via skype or...
Guys. I wouldn't like to bother you again, but seems you know what you're talking about. I got a bad move from the phone provider and they changed my service from analog to digital trunks. I'm not sure how does this works, but they put a 'modem' that gets only one line and (i suppose) converts...
Ladies and Gentleman.
I'm pleased to announce that I have successfully restored functionality of the AP00's SMDR. I followed the cheat sheet posted by OzzieGeorge, only to find out that I was in the right direction, but both Port 0 and Port 1 are not useful. I tried the instructions on port 0...
Hello there!
That's a document I haven't seen so I'll take a look ASAP. Yes we have an IVS. The cable I'm using is the NEC RVS cable (don't remember the exact name). It has a square connection suitable for the front AP or MP ports, and on the other end has a db25. I used a gadget to reduce it...
Hi there again.
I tried as specified, and nothing. I made the card reset, again, and I get nothing. I know the cable is fine because I could access the system in CAT mode via Hyperterminal, and made commands. It is quite possible for the card to be bad. Anyway, is there any last resort thought...
Ok. Status report.
I have made the card reset as specified in the manual. Also configured port 0 function to not used, and port 1 to SMDR (4), to get 1200, 1, N, 8. And all the other settings like Tandem Calls and so.
No results on call logger or hyperterminal.
Are there any additional...
Hi there.
Thanks for the prompt answer!. I'll do what you're telling me. Just a thought. I made the card reset as specified in the manual just a bit before. Somebody wrote on another thread, that a way to know if a card was OK or BAD, was to see if the blinking green light speed was the same as...
Hello there.
First I have to apologize in making this new thread since there's already plenty of info at the forum. Nevertheless, I've tried reading every topic and have failed in setting up my PBX SMDR. There's no one in town that knows the equipment. I'm no IT guy, I have made my research but...
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