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Search results for query: *

  1. wildbash

    Flash Datagrids

    Hi guys, I'm a complete beginner at Flash MX and I'm trying to create a user interface (web) for an SQL server database via remoting. I'm having issues with the datagrid and was wondering if any one could help or point me to where I can find the answer (the help files dont have anything). I...
  2. wildbash

    Untyped file declaration throws an error

    Yes, you can not declare typed or untyped files. This is considered 'unsafe' in the .NET framework and therefore the compile wont accept them. Yes, They did work in versions of Delphi prior to 8 and the reason it goes bold when you delcare it, is because it is a reserved word. WB
  3. wildbash

    Untyped file declaration throws an error

    Hi, You need to use the 'FileStream' class, if you want to be able to read from binary files. See example: uses System.IO; procedure YourProc; var AFileStream : FileStream; AFileReader : BinaryReader; begin AFileStream := FileStream.Create('c:\yourfile.bin', FileMode.Open...
  4. wildbash

    Delphi .NET problem

    Hi All, I am trying to convert a class written in D7, which contains (among other things) a dataset and datasource, to D8. This class then exposes the datasource as a property which can then be assigned to data aware components (ie. Grids) to display the data. In D8, I am using the ODBC...
  5. wildbash

    Trigger Question

    Howdy, Is it possible to create a trigger for a table, that checks the length of a string before it actually saves it to the table ? If the size of the string is greater that the size of the column length, I want it to save a truncated string. So far I have the following, but I have no idea...
  6. wildbash

    Instancing an Access Report from Delphi

    Howdy, Yes, it is possible, by connecting to Access through OLE. To do this you need to read more about the Access.Application class. (See your MSDN library or Microsoft Website). Below is some simple code to get you started. Will work in Delphi 4.0 or above. uses ComObj; const acPreview...
  7. wildbash

    array of objects

    Howdy, I'm assuming you haven't set the size of your object array. Since you have declared it as a dynamic array, before you can use it, you need to set the size of the array. For example : var MyObjectA : array of MyObject; begin SetLength(MyObjectA, 9); MyObjectA[0] :=...
  8. wildbash

    Reading adodb.recordset from vb6 activex dll in Delphi

    Howdy, To get it to work, you need to declare a variable of OLEVariant type. Then in your code, you have to also initialise that variable as an ADO Recordset object. After that you should be able to assign the recordset from your dll into your variable. Try the following : (assuming...
  9. wildbash

    FieldValue and FieldByName problems

    Howdy, I think you just may be trying to access the Query component incorrectly. Firsty, (assuming that you've called your Query component - MyQuery) make sure you have either 'MyQuery.Active := True;' or 'MyQuery.Open;' after you set the SQL string. Secondly, to access fields that are...
  10. wildbash

    Remote Datastores

    Howdy, Yes, Delphi is more than capable with interacting with an MS Access database. This is possible using a number of different ways. Firstly, the simplest way is to set up a BDE alias for your database file. Then within Delphi all you need to do is place a TTable component on a form, give...
  11. wildbash

    TTable & TDatasource Help

    Howdy, Alternatively, another way is to use a Data Module. You can place all your table and datasource components on there and have it available to your whole application/project. WB
  12. wildbash

    print through MS word viewer

    Howdy, Me again.. If you want to bring up MS Word, then insert the line 'MSWord.AppShow;' before or after the FileOpen command. Like I said in my previous post, check the MSDN for more information on MS Office objects. WB
  13. wildbash

    printing microsoft word documents

    Howdy, Here is some simple code to try. This is accessing MS Word through OLE. You might have to refer to the MSDN Library (if you have access to it) or try the Microsoft Website for more help on the MS Office objects and properties that are available. uses ComObj; var MSWord : OLEVariant...
  14. wildbash

    Multiple recor instances in a scroll

    Howdy, I dont think the standard DBGrid can handle what you want to do. I suggest getting hold of Woll2Woll's InfoPower components for D6. The TwwDBGrid grid extends the functions of the normal DBGrid by quite a bit. You can select the fields you want to display and the control type (ie...
  15. wildbash

    Memory Access in DLL arnd String Rtn Funcs

    Howdy, Did you write the DLL yourself ? If so, Delphi needs 'ShareMem' as the first unit in both your library and project's uses list if you return strings from functions in your DLL. When you create a new DLL project, Delphi actually includes a warning about this in the project. Hope this...
  16. wildbash

    ActiveX DLLs in Delphi 4

    Hi Guys, I've been working with VB6 and ADO for awhile now and only recently, decided to give Delphi a try. I've created some ActiveX DLLs in VB6 and have been successful in accessing the objects contained within them using Delphi code(using the OLEVariant/CreateOLEObject technique). If...

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