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Search results for query: *

  1. SmpTraining

    second page is not getting loaded

    It hard for us to tell where the inefficiencies are without knowing more about the report. Subreports run every time they appear in a report so if you have one in the page header, the query and the report is run again on every page. Depending on the linking fields, the subreport may well be...
  2. SmpTraining

    second page is not getting loaded

    You can put formulas in any section you like - they may not work as expected but they should not cause the report to fail. As your formula is based on values in a subreport they will be 'WhilePrintingRecords' formulas. These formulas must be placed at the appropriate section if they are to...
  3. SmpTraining

    assistance on north largest required pls

    Customer A has several projects where the dates overlap, are you interested in all of them or are you only considering the most recent project? If you want to show any that overlap, do you need to show both overlapping projects? If so, you can conditionally suppress the project details with...
  4. SmpTraining

    Calculating Average

    Is it possible the {INVENTORY.ITEM_NUMBER} has null values in it? If so, count a non-null field instead such as {CATH_PROC_V.LOCATION}. I know it seems odd to count this column when you're grouping on it but it obviously exists and a count will work on any non-null field. Steve Phillips...
  5. SmpTraining

    Calculating Average

    The devil will be in the detail.... If your ItemId field is a database field then there should be no reason you can't count it. Can you check the datatype in case there's anything strange there (for example you can't count MEMO fields). If this is okay, are you just using the Insert ->...
  6. SmpTraining

    Calculating Average

    {ItemID} needs to be replaced with your data field as does {CaseID} and {GroupField}. If you have added the appropriate subtotal or totals to the report (i.e. the distinct count of cases and the count of items) then these will appear in the list of report fields in the formula editor. Steve...
  7. SmpTraining

    Calculating Average

    Create a formula to divide your two subtotals. When in the formula editor, subtotal and grand totals are available to select as part of your formula. So it will look something like: Report total Count({ItemID}) / DistinctCount({CaseID}) SubTotal Count({ItemID},{GroupField}) /...
  8. SmpTraining

    Exclude order if it has a particular status

    Create a formula such as: if {statuscode} = 'STATUSX' then 1 else 0 ...and put this in the details section (you can suppress it of course) Then sum this by your Group field. This will show as a zero for groups you want to keep and crystal lets you select based on subtotals. Therefore simply...
  9. SmpTraining

    total count by excluding one condition of the main report

    If you suppress a subreport in that way it doesn't run at all and therefore you have no value returned. You need to follow these steps: 1. Right-click the subreport and format it to suppress when blank 2. Format the section the subreport appears in to 'Suppress when blank' 3. Go into the...
  10. SmpTraining

    Flat FIle

    Ah I see, sorry I should have read all the previous posts. When you export the report, you are exporting the data rather than the screen you've designed (unless you choose an export option that tries to retain the formatting such as Word) therefore you will have a problem if you want to...
  11. SmpTraining

    Flat FIle

    Formulas have size limits. If you place all the database fields directly on the report they will export correctly. When exporting you can change the separator to be a pipe symbol if you like by chosing the CSV export option (by default it will use a comma). Steve Phillips, Crystal Reports...
  12. SmpTraining

    total count by excluding one condition of the main report

    For a moment, lets forget the main report entirely. If you just consider the subreport can you check whether a formula containing... DistinctCount ({@personcount}); ...displays the correct amount when displayed in the Report Footer section of the subreport? Where in the subreport have you...
  13. SmpTraining

    total count by excluding one condition of the main report

    What you've done sounds fine. So to troubleshoot: 1. Check the spellings carefully, its best to copy and paste the shared numeberVar portions. 2. You are counting a formula @personcount. Should this not be the database field instead? 3. Copy the 'display' formula into the subreport and...
  14. SmpTraining

    pull out period of time

    A crosstab or chart reports on all the data in the report. There is no way to filter data in a specific chart etc in the way you want. I believe you are trying to achieve the following: Report dates - Jan to Dec Oct Nov Dec Others Total 20 10 30 540 600 10 20 30 240 300 If...
  15. SmpTraining

    total count by excluding one condition of the main report

    I would use a subreport in the report header section. The subreport would simply include the PERSONS table and a count of the personids. Use a shared variable to pass the value back to the main report and use this wherever you need it in the main report. You will need two formulas, one to...
  16. SmpTraining

    simple formula but my syntax is wrong.

    I think you want the following: If isnull({CDNITEM.Specgrav}) or {CDNITEM.Specgrav} < 0 then {USAITEM.Specgrav} else if isnull({USAITEM.Specgrav}) or {USAITEM.Specgrav} < 0 then // {CDNITEM.Specgrav} else ({CDNITEM.Specgrav} + {USAITEM.Specgrav}) / 2 Hope that...
  17. SmpTraining

    Paper size reverting to default printer settings

    When you write a report on your PC you have access to all your locally defined printers and obviously your A3 printer is one of them. When you upload your report to the MIS system, typically you are uploading it to another machine (the MIS Server). I suspect the MIS server does not have your...
  18. SmpTraining

    dynamic parameter prompt

    One solution is to create a table containing the employee informatin and link to that in the report. You could use a spreadsheet to store the data if you can't create tables. If other people run the report you will need to consider whether they will be able to access the spreadsheet when they...
  19. SmpTraining

    Comparing Number Field to Comma Separated String

    This may not affect you mwake but... For this solution to be reliable, all country ID's must be exactly three digits long. If country id's were to range from 1 to 9999 for example, then searching for '1' would match many incorrect countries (e.g. 100, 101, 14, 914 etc.) In these cases you...
  20. SmpTraining

    dynamic parameter prompt

    I'm not sure I understand what you are after Jon but consider the following: At the very start of running a report crystal checks whether the report (or any subreport) contains parameters and if they do, it must prompt you for them before it even queries the database. So, parameters are "fixed...

Part and Inventory Search
