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Search results for query: *

  1. Escolar

    Front End Database Growing.

    I have another solution. This works well on a network, but could also be used for a single user. Basically, you copy a compacted version of the CODE MDB from the network drive to local drive C each time you run the database. Then you run the code from drive C. and the shared files remain on the...
  2. Escolar

    At bootup, Briefcase tries to make *.MDE file replicable

    When I boot up my PC and also when I shut it down, I get this annoying message in a large message box: Briefcase is making your file replicable so changes made to one replica can be synchronized with changes made to the other replica. Your database functions will continue to function normally...
  3. Escolar

    Please Help: Data Type Mismatch in criteria expression

    It seems to me that this part: "BuildID=" & Forms!frmBuildsNew!BuildID & " AND should be "BuildID= '" & Forms!frmBuildsNew!BuildID & "' AND or "BuildID= val('" & Forms!frmBuildsNew!BuildID & "') AND Otherwise, I agree that the query should be...
  4. Escolar

    Getting ID of Last Record Added

    Another method is to use the DMAX function as follows: LastID = DMAX("ThisID","TableName"). This function puts the highest value of "ThisID" from table "Tablename" into variable "LastId" Good luck [pipe]
  5. Escolar

    keep user informed as code runs

    I used a progress bar to inform the user of progress when checking that all tables were linked. The number of tables was in "Thisdb.TableDefs.Count" VarReturn is a variant. strMSG is a string, intI is an integer ------------------------------------------------------- strMSG =...
  6. Escolar

    HELP with Decimals/Fractions

    One way is to trap any extrneous key strokes. I assume that quantity is always positive. You can code a trap to allow the user to enter only the charatcters "0" (zero) thru "9" In the "On Key Press" event for the quantity field on the form enter this code: If...
  7. Escolar

    Backup DB before purge

    The shortest way is to use DOS. Write a BAT file with a copy on it. Do a macro command to run the bat file. Firstly, compact your database to make sure that the backup is small and that the latest changes are included. Then run the macro. Example BAT FILE called COPYIT.BAT: @cls @echo off...
  8. Escolar

    Compact Database Please read path issue

    OK Glad to have helped. Send me an e-mail on rvparkes@hotmail.com and I'll send you the complete routines as a ZIP file. PS When I was 50, there was no such thing as visual basic, let alone Access 2, Access 97, Excel etc etc Glad to hear you've cycled half the USA. I lived in Manhattan for 7...
  9. Escolar

    Compact Database Please read path issue

    Oops, sorry I misunderstood. I suspect you will need to change your connect string using code. Here is a function which lists all linked tables in the current database. Public Function ListConnections() As Boolean ' Displays the linked tables on the current database. ' Dim gDB As...
  10. Escolar

    Compact Database Please read path issue

    yes you can get the current path pretty easily. Try this in the immediate window. ? CurrentDB.Name This give the full path such as H:\Database\Payroll\PayData.MDB Here is a short function (not good coding standards - please be tolerant) to get the path itself from the above Public Function...
  11. Escolar

    How do you run Oracle's NEXTVAL and CURRVAL via ODBC connection

    Sandy, I appreciate all your research. I am coping using a workaround to get past the problem at present. Macintosh - what's that - an English coat? I'm using Access 2000 on a Windows machine. ESCOLAR
  12. Escolar

    How do you run Oracle's NEXTVAL and CURRVAL via ODBC connection

    Sandy, Thanks for the help. I am close. ACCT_SEQ is a defined Oracle Sequence on the database. When I run the qdf.execute with "CALL ACCT_SEQ.NEXTVAL" I get this message: "Error Code = 3667 Error description = "A different operation is preventing this operation from being...
  13. Escolar

    How do you run Oracle's NEXTVAL and CURRVAL via ODBC connection

    Thanks Sandy, This looks like the sort of stuff I need. I'll give it a try within the next few days and keep you posted. ESCOLAR
  14. Escolar

    How do you run Oracle's NEXTVAL and CURRVAL via ODBC connection

    I am running queries and updates against an Oracle Database using Access 97 connected via ODBC. This is a much friendlier environment than Oracle's SQL Plus All goes well until I have to insert a new record using an Oracle "Sequence". This function is similar to AutoNumber in Access...
  15. Escolar

    VBA Coding (Accept User-id/Password from a dialog box)

    Hi there. My solution is not case sensitive. If you want a case sensitive result for the password, remove the two Lcase commands. :-) Here goes: In your table called Users include a text field called UserId and one called Pword (it's unwise to use Password, since it's a reserverd word) Create...
  16. Escolar

    How do you analyse macros in Access 97

    How do you analyse macros in Access 97 using VBA? :-V I have written a cross reference function in VBA that can find a nominated string and list the table, query, form, report or module it is found in. The function can also replace strings by opening one of the five objects above in design...
  17. Escolar

    An SQL statement that does not sort

    It seems to me that your date format for sorting should be YY/MM rather than MMM/YY.
  18. Escolar

    Event on new record...

    I take it that you are opening and closing the form on the timer event. If you wanted to leave the form open, you could use the Me.Refresh method on the timer interval. If you do not want to see the form you could open it minimised and the timer functions should still work.
  19. Escolar

    Access 97. How do I find and modify macros using VBA

    Scampi, I'm not sure what you mean by Tools macros visual basic editor. It does not seem to apply in Access 97. BNPMike, Thanks for the tip, I may have to convert the macros to VB. It's a pity that Microsoft does not allow the same functionality for macros as it does for Tables, Queries, Forms...
  20. Escolar

    Access 97. How do I find and modify macros using VBA

    I need to be able to modify macros from VBA code. I scripts to find the macro names but all I can modify is the names themselves. For this I use DoCmd.Rename "CurrentName", acTable, "NewName". But how do I change a macro's contents? How do I view its parameters in code? Is...

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