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Search results for query: *

  1. eVAPor8

    More on RDP and VB.Net

    Is the program you are trying to close running on the client or the server? I'd guess it's on the server, and TBH you shouldn't really be auto-closing OnDisconnected (it's too late anyway) - it might be just a network glitch, not a "proper" Close. Likewise, if you're doing that on the client...
  2. eVAPor8

    SSH issues on standalone linux boxes

    I'm no expert on Secure Shell, but those last two messages regarding RSA and DSA would have me looking at my Certificates and checking that the client is properly set up. It looks to me like the initial connection is being made but from there on you have a some sort on decryption failure so the...
  3. eVAPor8

    inspect multiple excel files for linked referances

    May I suggest a possible "simple" solution? It sounds like you have a load of Linked formulae along the lines of.. ='\\oldServer\oldShare\some\path\to\workbook\book1.xls]Sheet1'!A1 branching out to a load of sheets a new Network Share... ...So can't you just Find&Replace on Formulas and...
  4. eVAPor8

    Copy Paste Macro

    Here's a quick'n nasty FillDown routine. Note: Do NOT select Row 1 if it's an empty cell, the macro will error out (obviously - there is no "Row -1" ;) ) and look for possible "No-String/Empty String/Null String" gotchas but it should do the job. Public Sub FillDown() Dim cell As Object...
  5. eVAPor8

    VBA to VB 6.0

    Quayz15, you should be able to use the wbk.SaveAs method to save in a .txt or .csv format. Change With .Workbooks.Open(App.Path & "\Book1.xls") to Dim wbk 'As Workbook ' if early-bound Set wbk = .Workbooks.Open(App.Path & "\Book1.xls") With wbk Then later ... wbk.SaveAs...
  6. eVAPor8

    unbound field not remembering input

    Well, surely the textbox will have control if you're querying the OnKeyUp event. I'd use the OnChange Event anyway. Here's a working example that filters a ListBox, but the idea is the same and you should be able to change the code fairy easily. Private Sub txtListFilter_Change()...
  7. eVAPor8

    MS WebBrowser on a Form: resize problem.

    EDIT: it's Access 2003 running on XP SP2. I used to be the Comaboy on Tek-Tips. ...And the despicable Jeremy Vyle elsewhere. ;)
  8. eVAPor8

    MS WebBrowser on a Form: resize problem.

    Hi chaps and chapesses! Ok, I've a "weird one" for you. I've place a WebBrowser Conrol on a form taking up about 75% of the form (buttons/txtBoxes to the left and top) All is cool so far, and a have a nice box above the Browser for cosmetics and intuity. Now here's the problem... Check out...
  9. eVAPor8

    vista booting to black screen

    @Ben Thanks for that, some useful info there, shame HP has a crappy BIOS :( ... As to "Where?", the damn thing's disappeared without all trace. I must have closed the browser too quickly after Submitting the thread. Oh and Linney mate. Trust me. I "THINK" the machine just might have passed the...
  10. eVAPor8

    Is connected macro

    I've lost the code now, but I used to have an app that I'd used for this type of problem. It was a bit flash, and used SAPI to notify me when a specific server went up/down but pinging them and checking the response codes. I've lost the code years ago, but this snap from the KPD Team should...
  11. eVAPor8

    why does the Macro Box keep popping up?

    Not to be a pedant, Gerry, but that only happens if your cursor is not in a Public Function. If it is, the function will run as normal. Try this: Make a new module. Public Function NoOneLikesASmartarse() Msgbox "That Vappy's an annoying ^&*^!!!!" End Function Place your cursor anywhere...
  12. eVAPor8

    Problem getting Access to open visible Excel

    I'd advise porting the "Update Graphs" macro into Access and Automating the lot from there so you have the lot under "one roof". Also On Error Resume Next Set xlapp = GetObject(, "Excel.Application") If Err Then Set xlapp = New Excel.Application End If Is horribly dangerous. I you have...
  13. eVAPor8

    vista booting to black screen

    Linney, Yet again, you seem to either miss the point or are scan-reading and misunderstanding the problem. (No offence intended, since we've been posting in two separate but related threads over the last few days). "this is a Vista forum" And it's a Vista problem. "If you have Recovery...
  14. eVAPor8

    Finding SMTP server names

    (If I'm guessing correctly)... No it's NOT safe! Far from it in fact! Those alternate [00] are there because the data is stored in unicode whick is a double-byte format, and you should convert the unicode to chars before relying on it. VB usually handles this automatically for you, but I'm...
  15. eVAPor8

    Please Help a VB Noob

    I agree with dilettante, But your solution will probably be along the lines of: Private Sub Button1_Click(.....) Label1.Visible = Not(Label1.Visible) ' Toggle Visibility End Sub Once you've sussed out how it toggles the visibility, you can expand the code... Private Sub...
  16. eVAPor8

    vista booting to black screen

    OK, first off - apologies Linney. You're obviously not just spamming for counts. There's some good info in that last post. I've found in the past that removing grub can often lead to further problems with the MBR, etc so I'll leave that as a last resort (and the fact that Ubuntu is the only...
  17. eVAPor8

    Computer won't boot

    No POST usually means the Mobo hasn't detected a CPU and so won't initiate the power-up sequence. Try reseating the CPU (or better, swapping the CPU with a another to test noth the CPU and the mobo at the same time).
  18. eVAPor8

    vista booting to black screen

    @dustervoice: I'm having the same problem myself. In the past it was a dodgy USB device inserted or removed at shutdown and here is how you cure it... Remove *ALL* USB devices. Boot to Safe Mode (if you can). Get into Device Manager. (View Hidden Devices) Scroll down and open the USB tree...

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