Thanks, I already solved this some days ago. the NIC card on one of the computers is bad. It was just a coincidencethat it happened when I switched to OPen DNS.
Self-built: Intel P4, 3 GHZ / 3 MB RAM/XP Pro SP3
Verizon DSL
Westell 6100F modem-router, wired
D-Link wired Switch DES-1105
2 Comps., both XP Pro SP3
I was having trouble getting the DNS for some sites, and someone suggested I should try Open DNS. I've set it up on both computers, and I have internet access, but...
It's USB. RPC is set to automatic, as is Spooler. There are no other dependencies. Thanks, I'll have to get back to you about the Recovery tab and event log after I make another appointment to see her.
I've been working on a client's Dell XP Home desktop. When I tried to install an HP PSC 1510 printer, it stopped at "Error 1608 Spooler not running." I corrected this in Services, and also turned on Remote Procedure Call, which is a dependency. The printer installed, and I printed from Word...
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