Is it possible to have access run a Word macro after it has open the rtf file? I think the coding would be a little cleaner if I could do this as opposed to having Access try to modify the open word doc. I need to:
apply a macro to save the rtf as a .docm file
apply a macro to change the font...
I have an Access db that outputs a table (from a query) to MS Word in RFT format. I've made 3 macros to apply to the table. The first one saves it as a macro enable compatibility doc (docm). The next macro changes the font in the whole table to Times NR 10. These two work great. The third...
I used your code but left the "?" in the tags and changed the "ClearLBO" to "?" in the code. I got a mismatch error so I changed the tags and code to "ClearLBO" and now it works.
Do you know what the issue is with using question marks in the Tags?
this would be good to know for...
dhookom, AM1
When I set the tag to ? in each control and pressed 'clearchoices', only the single select listboxes cleared out. I used a combination of Allen Browne's ClearList Function for the listboxes and
Me!KeyWord1.Value = Null
Me!KeyWord2.Value = Null
Me!KeyWord3.Value = Null...
I've changed my code to the following:
Private Sub cmdClearChoices_Click()
Dim varItm As Variant
With Me!lstTechType
For Each varItm In .ItemsSelected
.Selected(varItm) = False
Next varItm
End With
With Me!lstProjSize
For Each varItm In...
That works great! I applied it to both of my single selects. Now if the user makes a mistake, they don't have to use the 'Clear All' button. Thanks for all your help.
I haven't tried it yet because I'm a little fuzzy on the implementation of it. My form gets updated when I click on a button (it runs cmdApplyChoices_Click()). That sub applies all my choices in all list boxes and text boxes and writes them to one big query. After the user exports the...
Stinkin' Microsoft. I swear they hire people to screw things up in the next version after they've already got something working well. Making changes for the sake of change is worthless. They have no concept of "value added.
Yes, but I wanted a deselect option on the form as opposed to the VBA code. What I did was added a clear choices button. Initially, it only cleared the extended multi-list boxes and text boxes, so I had to change the code so the simple multi-list boxes would clear as well.
Private Sub...
In the Click event procedure of this CmdButton you may try this:
Me!YourListBox.Value = Null"
Question though, won't this always set the contents of the listbox to null even if they choose to use it to limit their search?
I haven't added code for the non-multi-select listbox yet but was waiting to see if there was a way to deselect. Here is my code as it stands right now (with help from PHV). I've got 4 multi-selects and 5 text boxes (3 with 'OR' between them and 2 with "AND' between them) which all write to...
What I'm saying is the code is extraneous. if the user doesn't want to use the limiter option, he should be able to click what he previously selected, and the highlight should be removed. having a NONE option is the same as having both selected, which searches all the records. If he wants all...
Well I'm writing the item selected to a query. If I have a None selection, I'll have to write more code which will complicate the query.
I can't understand how MS let this fly. You can deselect on the "simple" and "extended" options all day long. But those settings allow the user to select...
I have a form which has multiple listboxes. Most of these (except one) are multi-select. The one I'm concerned about is a non-multi-select. It is an either-or box, i.e. you can choose this item or the other, but not both. I've set "MultiSelect" in properties to "None" which allows the...
EXCELLENT!! That worked like a charm. Appreciate all the help. I'll be back. I have to modify the code to work when the user selects nothing.
Thanks again
I have a form in my database where people select multiple query inputs from multiple list boxes. When they push the "Update" button, these inputs should populate the query and the query should run (yeah right!). Well I'm getting a run-time error 3075 that says:
"Syntax error (missing operator)...
Was it developed on your machines or elsewhere. I'm sure "you have been global searching for *.md* without success. Good luck."
Your comment gave me an idea. I looked on another server and found an old version of the mdb. Apprecite the help. Sorry for my first response. Seemed like you were...
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