I am a reseller, and I do currently have a support case in with Sage, will cross my fingers that they come through for me. Sure wish they would get this Job Cost module uniform with the rest of their application, it has a lot of potential, but can be very frustrating not being able to perform...
I am performing an import to job billing data entry with the associated Job ID, cost codes, billing amounts, etc. Everything has fucntioned properly up this point, but the only way for us to bring in the total invoice amount is by caluclating it within our import file using a VB app. I wanted...
Based on your last line I suspect you do not have the records tab on your import setup correctly."
Why is there nothing out there on how to set these files up? The problem is that the data dictionary resource they provide is inconsistent with what Visual Integrator's capabilites are so that is...
Those focums have about two posts regarding anything related to Job Cost importing. Looking for some quality resources here. In all honesty I have not been able to find a consistent good source of information for Sage products aside form this site. If you have any other resources please share...
I am attempting to import a somewhat lengthy list of cost codes in to the Job Cost module for a client, but I am just starting with a short list for now. I am having no luck brining them in. I can bring in the cost code itself, but no additional details, the description won't even come in...
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