I am performing an import to job billing data entry with the associated Job ID, cost codes, billing amounts, etc. Everything has fucntioned properly up this point, but the only way for us to bring in the total invoice amount is by caluclating it within our import file using a VB app. I wanted to know if there was a way where I did not have to bring in the totals, but rather they would be automatically caluclated based off of the line items which were imported.
You are going to need to make this some type of calculation. The problem is that there is no perform logic assigned to the import job that will calculate taxes. With Sales Order and Invoice imports there is perform logic attached to the import that will calculate this for you. In Job Cost there is no such logic. You might want to have your reseller contact Sage to see if they have a work around. Sometimes they provide import jobs you might not know about or knew about.
I am a reseller, and I do currently have a support case in with Sage, will cross my fingers that they come through for me. Sure wish they would get this Job Cost module uniform with the rest of their application, it has a lot of potential, but can be very frustrating not being able to perform the same functions that I can in other modules. Appreciate your help as always.
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