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Search results for query: *

  1. vegomatic

    Looking for search appliance for our intranet

    Hello: I've been tasked with finding a search appliance we can use to index our intranet. We are looking for an actual piece of hardware rather than a script or whatever. Because it's our intranet and not accessible from outside our network, we need to have something on the inside, as it...
  2. vegomatic

    Upload/download speeds on Cisco WLC 4400 are reversed?

    I'm at a loss to explain this one... We use a Cisco 4400 WLC and a whole lot of 1252APs plus maybe a dozen or so 1262s. We've never gotten complaints about slowness other than when our entire (wired and wifi) network is bogged down. So just for the heck of it today, I went to Speedtest.net and...
  3. vegomatic

    Cisco 7942 VoIP Phone Tutorial

    My apologies if this is the wrong forum to post this. We're using mostly Cisco 7942s here with great success. Unfortunately, people are forgetting the training we gave them, and we really don't have anything for new hires to learn our phone system. So we're working on that. Cisco has a...
  4. vegomatic

    Music on Hold instead of ringing?

    Please forgive if this is a dumb question, but I'm kind of famous for them... We are using CCM and Unity 8.6.2. Currently, when an external customer calls in and makes a selection from our auto attendant, they hear ringing until the called party picks up. Is there a way to have the customer...
  5. vegomatic

    Upgrading from 2.2.10 to 2.2.21: need some help getting started

    No, I don't have yum--that would be too easy! I do have yast, though, but it will only upgrade Apache to 2.2.12, which I guess is better than nothing, but not much...
  6. vegomatic

    Upgrading from 2.2.10 to 2.2.21: need some help getting started

    Hello, everyone! I know this is really basic information, but as it turns out, I've never had to upgrade Apache before. I've been told we need to upgrade our version 2.2.10 to at least 2.2.18 (SUSE 11. Our Apache was installed when the server was created.) I see that 2.2.21 is the latest...
  7. vegomatic

    Apache2 with SSL--SuSE

    I'm hoping this turns out to be just some stupid typo I made along the way, because I had it working at some point... Anyway, I have Apache2.2.10 running on SuSE Linux. We have a couple of IP based virtual hosts, and a couple of name-based virtual hosts running on this machine. We want to...
  8. vegomatic

    Trouble configuring virtual hosts

    Hello: We are running Server version: Apache/2.2.10 (Linux/SUSE) Server built: May 5 2010 14:32:30 on Suse 11. I am trying to configure two virtual hosts on a machine for testing: hdesk.mydomain.com and hdwiki.mydomain.com. These two names are NOT in DNS, but I plan to test using the...
  9. vegomatic

    Display php files with Apache 2.2.10

    Figured it out: when I looked this morning, WP reported that I didnt' have the mysql module for php installed, so I installed it and now everything works.
  10. vegomatic

    Display php files with Apache 2.2.10

    Hello: I'm sure there's an easy solution to this, but damned if I can find it! We're running Apache 2.2.10 on SUSE Linux 11. Apache seems to be running okay (i.e. I can get to the "It works!" page) but when I try to load a .php file, the browser wants to download it. I have mod_php5.so loaded...
  11. vegomatic

    Server Side Includes not working any more

    Hey, Grande: Well, I hadn't, but now I do. Good news and bad. The good news is that the script is no longer barfing up errors in the error_log. Also, the <!--#exec cmd= part is no longer showing up in the hyperlink. The bad news is that the number that the script is supposed to generate...
  12. vegomatic

    Server Side Includes not working any more

    More: I specifically added Options +Includes in the virtual host configuration after seeing this in the error_log: [Wed Dec 17 16:15:40 2008] [warn] [client] mod_include: Options +Includes (or IncludesNoExec) wasn't set, INCLUDES filter removed Did I put it in the wrong place or...
  13. vegomatic

    Server Side Includes not working any more

    Phoo. We moved our website to a new server this morning and everything looks great except for our SSIs, which are no longer running. I *think* I ran into the problem the last time we moved servers, but darn if I can remember what the solution was! Here's what I do know: LoadModule...
  14. vegomatic

    DocumentRoot does not exist (??)

    Actually, it turned out to be a problem with selinux. Apparently, it was blocking access to /u1. At least that's what the server guy told me!
  15. vegomatic

    DocumentRoot does not exist (??)

    Hello: We just moved a website from one server to another. Everything is in the same directory structure on the new machine as the old one. Old machine was Solaris, new machine is Linux. I copied the virtual host section from the old machine to the new one and attempted to start Apache. The...
  16. vegomatic

    Fine-tuning .htaccess

    First, thanks for your help setting up my .htaccess file; it's working really well. Now that it's up and running, I need to fine-tune it a little. What I need to do is allow access to MOST of a block of address, but deny just a couple. My file looks like this: order deny,allow deny...
  17. vegomatic

    Trying to protect website with .htaccess

    Woohoo! Beautiful, el grande! I commented out the lines in welcome.conf and when I tried to access my website I got the "Forbidden" page! Thanks for your help. I would NEVER have thought to do that!
  18. vegomatic

    Trying to protect website with .htaccess

    access_log shows this: noc3.bcpl.net - - [22/Aug/2008:13:26:36 -0400] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 403 3918 "-" "Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.0.3705; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727)" noc3.bcpl.net - - [22/Aug/2008:13:26:36 -0400] "GET /icons/apache_pb2.gif HTTP/1.1"...
  19. vegomatic

    Trying to protect website with .htaccess

    Followup. The Apache error log shows the following when I try to access the site: [Fri Aug 22 10:56:44 2008] [error] [client] client denied by server configuration: /var/www/html/forums/upload/ Is this good? Bad? Indifferent?
  20. vegomatic

    Trying to protect website with .htaccess

    We have several websites setup on one server; each site is a name based virtual host. We want to limit access to these websites to a set of specific IP addresses. In researching this, it looks like .htaccess would be the easy, simple solution, but I cannot get it to work. The first thing I...

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