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  • Users: rdg2cig
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  1. rdg2cig

    10.2.3 firewalls

    O'Reilly has a good article on the Jaguar ipfw firewall and its use at: http://www.macdevcenter.com/pub/a/mac/2002/12/27/macosx_firewall.html A good shareware gui tool to administer ipfw is the BrickHouse app at: http://personalpages.tds.net/~brian_hill/brickhouse.html Good Luck.
  2. rdg2cig

    Print Monitor Crashes when Classic starts up from OS X

    I have a G4 iMac running OS X 10.1.4 and a Lexmark X83 printer/copier/scanner. The printer works fine when used from an OS X application and will also work if I boot up in OS 9.2 but will not work when I use a Classic app after booting up in OS X. When the Classic mode finishes launching, I...
  3. rdg2cig

    Deployment problem w/ Tomcat or JBuilder 6- Please HELP!!!

    The name of the application will be the same as the name of the WAR file (not including the .war extension) that you dropped into the webapps directory. This application name is the starting point for resources within your application. Therefore, the url you need to use in your first example...
  4. rdg2cig

    Using JTextArea as JTable Editor

    I am trying to implement a JTable that uses a JTextArea for the Rendering and Editing component for a column. The rendering seems to work but the editor does not save the changes made. I suspect I am not handling events properly. When I click on a cell in the column using the JTextArea editor...
  5. rdg2cig

    Posting Query Results to a JTextArea

    Here is an example snippet. This uses an Oracle database. The ResultSet.next() method iterates through the records returned. JTextArea textArea1 = new JTextArea(10, 50); String query = "select emp_name, emp_id from employee order by emp_name"; Connection con = null; Statement stmnt...
  6. rdg2cig

    What value is returned by empty JTextField?

    I tried the first solution, if(jTextField1.getText().equals("")){ ... } and it worked. The second solution, if(jTextField1.getText().equals(null)){ ... } did not work. I will use the first solution. Thanks for the help.
  7. rdg2cig

    Using a Dialog to report series of status messages?

    I would like to display the path of execution my MFC application is taking through a decision tree that performs calculations. Each time a branch of the decision tree is encountered, I would like to append another message (a simple CString) to a dialog box that would appear upon initial entry...
  8. rdg2cig

    What value is returned by empty JTextField?

    I would like check to see if the user entered any value in a JTextField before clicking a JButton in order determine the branch to take in a conditional statement. In the JButton actionPerformed() method I have a statement such as: if(JTextField1.getText() == null){ ... do something ... }...
  9. rdg2cig

    prevent caching of applets with IE 5.0

    Yes, I have tried CTRL+F5 and the cached version of the applet is still used when the page refreshes. Thanks for the suggestion, though.
  10. rdg2cig

    prevent caching of applets with IE 5.0

    I would like to be able to prevent caching of my JApplet used in a html page when viewed using IE 5.0 (and using Sun Java 1.3 plug-in). I have found that while developing the applet, when I recompile and try to view again using the same browser session, the applet changes do not appear. I have...
  11. rdg2cig

    ODBC MFC CRecordset error at runtime

    I tried what BurtanI suggested and removed the "|| hdrSet.IsEOF()" from within the recordset open command but I still received the identical "invalid descriptor index" error. The try/catch works fine. I changed the way I open the CRecordset derived object and can get a...
  12. rdg2cig

    ODBC MFC CRecordset error at runtime

    I changed the code as shown below to include a try/catch block for the CDBException object. The message returned was "invalid descriptor index". The program did not automatically terminate with the inclusion of the exception handler. I have not used try/catch blocks in C++ before so...
  13. rdg2cig

    ODBC MFC CRecordset error at runtime

    I am trying to add access to a database (currently extracted into MS Access 97 during development) into an existing MFC application that did not originally include database support. I have registered the database as "RAMS" through the ODBC utility on the Windows Control Pnnel. I used...
  14. rdg2cig

    Changing default color for all control buttons on a dialog

    Pete-<br><br>Thank you for your quick response.&nbsp;&nbsp;I looked up the OnCtrlColor() method of CWnd in the help files.&nbsp;&nbsp;Unfortunately, there is no example of its usage.&nbsp;&nbsp;If I want to change the color of the standard OK button provided by a dialog box or the standard...
  15. rdg2cig

    Changing default color for all control buttons on a dialog

    I changed the dialog box default color in an application I am developing but the buttons are still the default grey.&nbsp;&nbsp;I used the following code in the CMyApp::InitInstance()of the MyApp.cpp file.<br><br>// set the background color for all dialogs to slate blue // with black text<br>...
  16. rdg2cig

    How to load and display a bitmap/image from file

    The book &quot;Visual C++ MFC Programming By Example&quot;, by John E. Swanke describes how to do this and includes source code on the CD that I have used successfully to create a splash screen for an application from a bitmap file. This is described on pages 168-174 and 341-349. You can...
  17. rdg2cig

    Property Sheets: accessing data in a property page from another page

    I am using a property sheet with six property pages in an application. This is all working nicely. However, I would like to set some controls on one property page based on values entered via a control (or controls) located on a seperate property page. Both property pages are members of the...
  18. rdg2cig

    Converting int to CString

    It did work as suggested in SharedPain's reply. I did not initially have the statement structured properly when I tried it. Now I'm off and running again. Thank you for your help SharedPain.
  19. rdg2cig

    Converting int to CString

    I tried the suggestion but it didn't compile. m_windSpan is declared as an integer and Format would not convert it. Would it be better to declare the variable as a UINT? Is there another way to convert the integer to a CString or is there a way to use the device context to print the integer...
  20. rdg2cig

    Enabling/Disabling a TextBox in a Dialog

    I would like a textbox in a dialog to be controlled by the status of a radio button on the same dialog. In other words, if the button is clicked, the textbox is active and text may be entered but if the button is not clicked, the text box is inactive and the user can not enter text. How is...

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