What software version is everyone running. We are at 3.069 with fw 5.0. For us I beleive the whole 5410 problem with phones going " to sleep" or "Please wait" started with improperly changing extension numbers and merging versus immediate rebooting the system. Documentation specifically states...
gknight1: I have been fighting this same problem for at least three weeks(the problem started after we converted 15 IP extension to Digital 5410 phones). Usually the phones just go to "please wait". Now ae are down to about 5 5410's doing it. We are runiing 3.069 and I was hoping to upgrade to...
Can anyone recommend a simple call accounting package that works well with the IPO for:
Tracking users calls in and out
Total system calls in and out and trunk usaege(per hour).
Basically we want to know how many calls people are getting and making and how are trunk utilization is.
Does anyone know of step by step directions to doing the IPO upgrade from 3.0 to 3.2?
Also some basic questions:
1. Do you have to do an interum upgrade to 3.1?
2. Once on 3.2057 are there any caveats on upgrading SW/fm to 5410's and 5610's.(IP and digital phones).
3. DOes VM pro need to be...
I'll check all that on Tuesday.
After reading all the posts on 4.0 and being a novice on the IPO I am concerned about the negative effect 4.0 might have on my life! I am thinking 3.069 to 3.2 might be a safer bet?
Thaks everyone for posts on my digital phone problem. I was involved with several issues the last few days. Several concerning a 3COM NBX!
Anyway this is an IPO 406 runnning 3.069. we seemed to have gotten most of the extension numbering problems ironed out by
by deleting duplicate...
We moved 12 users from IP phones to Digital phones by changing the extensions numbers in the manager extension config. Periodically four or five of the phones change to "please wait" on the display. We then powered down the IPO 406 and the 400 boxes> then powered back up. All extensions cleared...
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