Yes reading from excel. yes the numbers are like so
I did not create the excel, but forced to use it. I would be happy with bringin them over to sql as char(15) or whatever.
Thanks. I will see if I can append the excel with aditional single quote at end. If you...
I have an OpenRowSet calling an excle spreadsheet and it works fine except one column has numbers as a General format and the numbers that start with 0 have been preceded by an apostrophe in excle show they show. WHen the sql query runs, they come back as null. I have tried casting to no...
I have the following code:
Dim result As String
Dim cn As ADODB.Connection
Dim rs As ADODB.Recordset
Set cn = New ADODB.Connection
Set rs = New ADODB.Recordset
Dim var As String
cn.Open "Provider=sqloledb;" & _
"Data Source=server;" & _...
I have 2 tables, and table1 has 2 fields that point to records in table2, one to many. I need to do a query to get one record back but populated with the data from 2 records in table2 and the single record in table1. Any thoughts?
Anyone know of compatibility issues with viewing a 2003 PP doc with an image in 2000? I have 2000 and was sent a 2003 PP and the image is a broken link. (x in corner) Is there a backward issue here?
Thanks. Just wanted to get another opinion. Was not happy when I found out that a sales guy is tinkering when he has admitted he has no clue what he is doing.
I am not the greatest at VBA, but we have some guys in our company tinkering with VBA in excel. These are sales guys and not tech's. What are the chances of them ding something stupid and causing big problems if another user uses that excel file. Assume the sales guy will not purposely write...
I have an ASP (old classice asp) that runs on a Win 2003 server box. I have set IIS6 to run in IIS5 isolated mode and have "allowed" asp to run in the web services area of IIS.
When I use a browser to access any .asp's in that virtual dir, I get "requested resource is in use" and no other...
In C#, a DirectoryServices gives you access to ldap thingys. I have the O'Reilly Active Directory Cookbook with a lot of VBScript code for viewing, editing, maintaining users, groups, topology, security etc...and I find the C# ports for that VBScript code.
Yeah, I have some C# .NET stuff that allows query and editing, but my network team would rather lock fields vs. relying on me to only provide access to said attributes.
Is there a way to set perms on the AD object of a user so he/she can modify there own telephone number, cell phone, etc..., but not any other attributes?
Thanks, we looked at that and ended up with Magic Help Desk. I have no opinions on this either, except that now the powers that be dont like it and want to buld something that integrates seemlessly with out portal product. I discovered yesterday in my research taht I could write a .NET web app...
Our company has mandated a spcific folder be present on all machines. Is it possible to set a web based file download to go to this location? ie, all downloads from the company web site automatically go to said folder, or at least autofill the download popup with the location.
Thanks. I just finished reviewing some open source versions and do things very similarly.
There are times when the sp can recurese through one parent, with 10-15 subs, and each sub have 10-15 for about 4-5 levels deep. Each with a handful of files. I will review it some more.
I have written my own docuemtn management system with c# and sql. I have a folder table (folderid, parentid, name, etc..) and a file table (file id, folderid, name, etc...). I then have foldersecurity table (folderid, userid, accesslevel) and well as one for filesecurity(similar to...
In AD, you have a cn which usually is the user's username(it appears to actually be the object name). There is also the userPrincipalName which is the email-like name. In AS there is an account tab in which there is a field: user logon name. Does anyone know what the programmatic name for...
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