I have written my own docuemtn management system with c# and sql. I have a folder table (folderid, parentid, name, etc..) and a file table (file id, folderid, name, etc...). I then have foldersecurity table (folderid, userid, accesslevel) and well as one for filesecurity(similar to foldersecurity).
Obviously folders can contain folders and on downward as well as files at each level. Runs pretty well. Where I need opinions is on the security model. My users exist as indivudial users and groups of users from another set of tables. When an user set permissions on a folder and chooses the option to filter permsissions down through the folders contents (folders and files), my recursive stored proc takes 3-5 minutes to run. Any other ideas on how to handle file and folder permissions(read, write, set permissions are the three levels.)
Obviously folders can contain folders and on downward as well as files at each level. Runs pretty well. Where I need opinions is on the security model. My users exist as indivudial users and groups of users from another set of tables. When an user set permissions on a folder and chooses the option to filter permsissions down through the folders contents (folders and files), my recursive stored proc takes 3-5 minutes to run. Any other ideas on how to handle file and folder permissions(read, write, set permissions are the three levels.)