All right, I have a Flash form, I've got the name, the subject, and the message parts all down. But I need a file field to let customers insert design pictures they want to send me. Does anyone know the actionscript for a file field?
The Flash form can be found here...
Hey, guess what? Ha, I figured out my own question. You have to place the object inside the right div. *headbang*
All right, if you guys go to the same link, it's not where I want it inside the div. Are there certain parameters you have to insert to move it to a fixed location? I tried the...
I'm not aware of any Master's program dedicated solely to Macromedia Flash; however,you can surely get one in Web Design and also Fine Arts.
Sounds right. I recommend doing a lot of research on colleges to see if they have this feature. *Shrugs*
Hey guys, thanks in advance for your time. :)
All right, so the site is
As you can see from the link, I kind of screwed things up when I inserted the Flash object. Haha, yeah. So I'm wondering how I can place it inside the main #content box . . . ? Also...
Ahh, thanks a lot guys for your responses. :) Before I host the .fla files, is it possible to use any .gif animation for a Flash animation? The reason I ask this is because I've made animations in Paint Shop Pro and would like to use those instead. Thoughts?
I have each thing as an individual file -- one file for the tie drawing, one file for the highlighting sequence, and one file for the other movie. Do you want me to host all three .fla's?
As for a little introduction on my part, the prompt where I stated "TechnicalUser" should have been "Really Bad Newbie". =/ It's true, I suck. I'm not really sure if this is the right forum on the boards to go for this type of question, but here it goes:
I'm making a website and decided to...
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