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Search results for query: *

  1. p15650

    linking a field to select group memebership

    Hi, I had setup my act 2009 with a CONTACT field called "member" that has a drop down list which I can check multiple selections on and it automatically adds the contact to the groups checked off in the field. I just cant remember how I did this; now I am trying to add 2 more group names...
  2. p15650

    2009 workstation freezes for 25 seconds after start

    Ok. ACTsage.exe is taking all the processors time... if one workstation opens it/closes it/opens it again, next workstation still has the freeze. Given how much faster act 2009 is in general, i have decided to live witht he 20-50 second freeze only when the program starts running as...
  3. p15650

    2009 workstation freezes for 25 seconds after start

    Updated one workstation to sp3 and the hotfix as above. The same problem continues with the 25-50second delay after a spike of data after starting act. Of note, if the database is closed without closing act and the database is opened again, the issue does not happen [ie, only initial start of...
  4. p15650

    2009 workstation freezes for 25 seconds after start

    hi, just spent 2 hours with the act support@@@ after going back and forth, noted that the reason database backup was failing when done trhough act vs done with actdiag was because my database was placed on a data drive fat32!! when i moved the database to c drive [ntfs], no more errors!!! now...
  5. p15650

    2009 workstation freezes for 25 seconds after start

    I have hotfix 1 when i try to do database repair and index from act tools menu and it states there is an error; when trying to fix the error, it would fail in 2007; in 2009, it states it has a second way of taking care of the error which may result in data loss; i have tried that and...
  6. p15650

    2009 workstation freezes for 25 seconds after start

    hi, all workstations have the sudden freeze for about 25-30 seconds, 15 seconds after act loads; but after the slowdown, everything starts working fine. sharing the demo database seems ok with no slow downs! i have 4500 contacts 17000 activities in task list [most are previous appointments as...
  7. p15650

    2009 workstation freezes for 25 seconds after start

    Upgraded 2007 to 2009. 2007 was installed on a microsoft 2000 server and working fine w 8 workstations. 2009 could not be installed on the server so i installed on xp workstation [3 gigs, dual core, raid 0 hard drive 7200 rpm]; program works great on the server [xp pro]; other worksations [xp...
  8. p15650

    best way to fax with act?

    I ended up using metrofax and created a script to pull all fax/name info from and send to metrofax printer dirver; they seem to be pretty good. thnx for help
  9. p15650

    2007 vs 2009

    Sorry, posted this in another threat incorrectly... Hi, Looking to upgrade to 2009 from 2007. During install, most computers did ok except for sever [xp pro] where the sql install gave an error in the last few seconds of the install [based on what i saw with the other computers that worked]...
  10. p15650

    ACT 11.0 Exports to Excel; Link Opportunity to Contact

    Hi, Looking to upgrade to 2009 from 2007. During install, most computers did ok except for sever [xp pro] where the sql install gave an error in the last few seconds of the install [based on what i saw with the other computers that worked] with the error saying something about an instance of...
  11. p15650

    best way to fax with act?

    I am using sage act 2007; wanted to fax out of act; tried the act plugin by myfax and it was working for a while but now one computer cant run act unless i unistall the plugin [? programming!]! I noticed faxadmin but it only uses winfax or local xp fax; is there anyway to integrate faxing...
  12. p15650

    act on one network machine shows all appointmenst one hour late

    have 5 networked act 2007 with one server; when events are scheduled, one machine showw them one hour late [it had done this before for one or two events but now all events look one hour late]; all the clocks on all machines are correct [no change in time problems]; any ideas? thnx
  13. p15650


    thanx; thats great to know.
  14. p15650


    Have Act 2007 on a network with server; when we put in activities on one computer, the other computers do not show the activitiy unless alt F5 for refresh is pressed; is there a way to make all workstations running act refresh the screen at certain intervals; did not have this problem with...
  15. p15650

    mapping with exports/imports does not save properly

    Hi, I have the file created by act get processed by: cmd.exe /c type c:\file1.txt > c:\file2.txt this resaves file1.txt as a good text file by name file2.txt which my parser can actually read! I have 3200 contacts with about ~30000 activities; i run ms sql 2000 standard on 2000 server for...
  16. p15650

    mapping with exports/imports does not save properly

    I had a program setup with act 6 that took the text file, parsed it so that it could be imported into another program. so, it was a serious pain to change the order that the parser works; but, i spent 3 hours doing it today since it seemed like ACT doesn't have its act together on this one...
  17. p15650

    mapping with exports/imports does not save properly

    I just ran a test with an new database; tried exporting [have not changed any of the fields] a text file; then removed all contact fields in the map and inserted 6 fields [first name, last name, city state, country and spouse]; then save the map and reload it: now you have [city, county, state...
  18. p15650

    mapping with exports/imports does not save properly

    I tried saving a map on a brand new database with one contact only to make sure its not all the additional fields/field name changes causing the problem. Even in a new database, when you export to a text file and move the export field order and save the map of the new export field order, when...
  19. p15650

    mapping with exports/imports does not save properly

    In act 6, exports would allow you to save a map of your exported fields to reload anytime you would export a contact [and the map would become default after use so that you did not have to load it everytime unless you would change the map]. In 2007, when you save a map and reload it in the...

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