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Search results for query: *

  1. Stripes1283

    SSRS reportexecution2005.asmx does not exist

    The problem started after our clients rebuilt one of their reporting servers, before we used to be able to connect via endpoint from our website hosted on server A, connected through to Server B (report server). We fetch our reports from the website, currently we established that we can still...
  2. Stripes1283

    Outlook 2016 Add-In needs elevation to work

    I am having a weird problem, i created an Add-In in vs2015 for outlook 2016. The add-in is working perfectly, except when i don't run outlook as administrator. When not run as Admin, then my ribbon button is disabled, it should be enabled as soon as i enter my inbox and receive an email...
  3. Stripes1283

    Use MySql Db as entry point(Login Creds) and redirect to other MySql db/s in php

    Thanks Olaf, I will definitely take your opinion into consideration. Appreciate your feedback.
  4. Stripes1283

    Use MySql Db as entry point(Login Creds) and redirect to other MySql db/s in php

    Hallo Guys, So my question might be more architecture related than actually any coding info. The site that i am building will contain personal info, from identification info to historical data of a person. All of this data will be captured from unique companies, and they will be using this...
  5. Stripes1283

    Multiple users

    Hi all, I am looking for an online data warehouse where i can have a single account, then have multiple users under me. Each one of those users must be able to log in and only see their uploaded data. Where i would be able to see all users under me, and each users must have his or her own log in...
  6. Stripes1283

    Stream webcam on unigui delphi xe2

    Hi, I am designing an app in delphi xe2 with unigui, i have implemented a webcam feed to the app, but when i run the app on a browser i cant see any visual display of the webcam. Where as if i was running the app just on the desktop i can see the webcam streaming. I am using activex and...
  7. Stripes1283

    "Like" in reporting services

    Hi thanks, I have a better idea of whats going on now, pretty cool function though. One problem though I have inserted the code into the code are under properties in custom code, thats fine. Now when i try to add this: =Code.GetFontStyleIfMonth(Fields!txtDescription.Value) in the expression it...
  8. Stripes1283

    "Like" in reporting services

    Hi there i need to create some sort of way so that a cell in a grid can be checked for a month name, if a month name appears then it needs to be bold. I can do this with one month: =IIF(Fields!txtDescription.Value like ("June*") , "Bold", "Normal" ) Now how can I do this with all the months in...
  9. Stripes1283

    Merging cells in RS 2005

    Is it possible to merge cells in report server after execution.
  10. Stripes1283

    Merging cells after execution in report server 2005

    I have two sections on a report a member side and a beneficiary side. The members side only needs to show one member for whatever amount of beneficiaries is allocated to this one member. The report used to work as example 1 below. I then used the previous function in report server so that it...
  11. Stripes1283

    Report Properties: Layout - Columns

    I have created a report with 3 columns. I also grouped my data. Do you know how I can let each group start on its own column? The page break doesn't work because then each group start on its own page. Can you please assist me?
  12. Stripes1283

    Advanced Distinct in sql select

    Thanks im using report server i have tried to do this with a subreport on the beneficiaries part but i cant distinguis between the data is just gives me the distinct member and then all the beneficiaries un that member and then it just loops like that. Any ideas?
  13. Stripes1283

    Advanced Distinct in sql select

    Hi I am selecting members from a table every member has 2 beneficiaries, when the data displays says for one member, then it display the member details at each beneficiary detail. is there anyway i can show the member details only at the top beneficiary causing it to be categorised under the...
  14. Stripes1283

    Writing a script!

    Hi I am new to writing scripts in Microsoft sql server, I need to write a script, is there anyone who would be able to give me a sample or redirect me to a place where i can see or read more about it please, Thanks.
  15. Stripes1283

    Excel book imported into sql server through delphi 2006

    Hey yeah thanks ill definitely go and look at those links. What I need to do is someone is gonna send me an excel book, only with one sheet of data in the book though. Then there will be like i think say 6 columns with data in the sheet, what needs to happen then is i have to have a table in sql...
  16. Stripes1283

    Excel book imported into sql server through delphi 2006

    Hi there I need to import an excel book into sql server through delphi 2006. How would i go about it, does anyone maybe have a piece of code that i can look at, or know where i can go to look at some examples. I am new at this so would like some help please. Kind regards
  17. Stripes1283

    Display sql data to flexgrid via stored procedure

    Hi there I am struggling with this stored procedure in vb6. I have written all the code but it gives me a subscript out of range error. I have attached the code in the app and then the sp afterwards. What I am trying to do is to select data from tblTargetSpendPerHead from sql via a stored...
  18. Stripes1283

    INSERT INTO tblTargetSpendPerHead from flxgrid

    no I am pretty new at this and still struggling with all the possibilities with what to do. If you could please give me a lead of what to use, and how to do it! Thanx
  19. Stripes1283

    INSERT INTO tblTargetSpendPerHead from flxgrid

    I would like to insert the data in my flexgrid into a table in my database, using a recordset in vb6. My server name is TDFDEV, the database name is : FRSSV. and the table name is : tblTargetSpendPerHead, and the columns in the database is: FltNo, LegNo, EffTargetDate, EndTargetDate, and...
  20. Stripes1283

    Selecting row in flexgrid and displaying selected row in Textboxes

    thanx a lot thats exactly what I needed.

Part and Inventory Search
