I would like to insert the data in my flexgrid into a table in my database, using a recordset in vb6. My server name is TDFDEV, the database name is : FRSSV. and the table name is : tblTargetSpendPerHead, and the columns in the database is: FltNo, LegNo, EffTargetDate, EndTargetDate, and SpendPerHead.
The data in my flexgrid comes from an excel sheet allready imported to the flexgrid now I just need to save it to database. Please assist.
str = "INSERT INTO tblTargetSpendPerHead (nolock)"
rsTest.Open sSqlCmd, cnDB, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly
cnDB.Execute str
While rsTest.EOF = False
'now insert records or update records from this recordset
str = "INSERT INTO tblTargetSpendPerHead"
cnDB.Execute (str)
End With
The data in my flexgrid comes from an excel sheet allready imported to the flexgrid now I just need to save it to database. Please assist.
str = "INSERT INTO tblTargetSpendPerHead (nolock)"
rsTest.Open sSqlCmd, cnDB, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly
cnDB.Execute str
While rsTest.EOF = False
'now insert records or update records from this recordset
str = "INSERT INTO tblTargetSpendPerHead"
cnDB.Execute (str)
End With