I'm using Acrobat 7 Pro. and created a form using Adobe Designer 7. I have a text field that has space for about 312 characters of 10 Arial (or 4 lines of text) if only text is used, no paragraph/carriage returns, then the spacing is fine. If returns are used it will push the text past the...
Hello J, I'm using Crystal Reports (CR) 8.5. The link below is a pdf file that shows the result of the subreport.
I have a subreport that is used to list the six required reviewers (electronic signatures) that have verified the accuracy of the data in the main report, sometimes it is necessary if changes have to be made to have the reviewers reverify. This results in more than six entries.
The subreport...
I need to eliminate duplicate data due to multiple dates when I run a report for actions that took place between 1/1/06 and 12/31/06. I am using an Access based database with multiple tables of which I am using 3 of the tables: 1) Equipment, 2) Event, and 3) History. Fields used in the report...
CR7; Can a report be sent to one printer & subreport be sent to a different printer? The first is a regular page report the second is a label sent to a label printer.
I want to thank each of you for your suggestions, I've tried all of them with no luck. The detail section will not print information below the top of the page footer even though the space is empty. I tried "underlay following sections" with no luck.
Thank you and it was supposed to be "don't need."
The software is Crystal Reports 7.
I've tried the format section >suppress blank section it doesn't allow the text from the details section to grow into the rest of the space.
There are 4 groups, the Report footer, then the page footer...
I have a report with information in the page footer this information only needs to print on the first page; the subsequent pages need to have that information displayed again. The information suppressed on the subsequent pages but the space is still taken up as though the info was still...
If I understand relationship between the tables then it would be a common field "Equip ID" that relates the tables.
I'm not clear on how to do the grouping.
I can group on the Due Date which is what I want. If I was getting just the Due Date range the report would be about 3 pages but...
I have a report CR7 report that uses dates from different tables. The first date is the Due Date which is between 7/18/05 and 10/31/05. The second date is the history date with a range between 7/18/04 and 7/7/05. In that history range some units have multiple entries. I want to eliminate the...
I tried the formula in another report and I keep getting an error "Dates must be between year 1 and year 9999". The dates are all in the same format as the other report, any ideas?
I am using Crystal Reports 7.0 and was wondering if there is a way to substitute a date for a range of dates that the report is pulling from a field in the database. I can't add a field to the database with the two dates I want to use. There are two days (the 14th and 28th of each month) that...
Just how the final arrangement is going to look. I know I will have other questions in the future, but right now I have a lot of other things that also have to get done.
Thanks again,
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