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  1. braves07

    Color Separation for a Printer

    I've never had to do this before so I have no clue what I'm doing. I sent a .pdf file to printer which contains 2 colors. Black & Reflex Blue. They called back and said they needed the colors separated. Can anyone help me on what I need to do?
  2. braves07

    PHP & MySQL Strategy Question

    Thanks for the replies... very much appreciated it. This gives me a starting point and good references to research. Thanks again.
  3. braves07

    PHP & MySQL Strategy Question

    I have a little experience in both PHP & MySQL but I've never created a full on site with it. I was just asked to build something that accomplishes 2 things. 1. Collects Users Information and gives them a Login/Password that lets them access their specific account information. (The company...
  4. braves07

    IE6 Gap

    First I want to say sorry for posting 2x the last few days. Here is the situation: I have a page that is displaying correctly in IE7 and Firefox but has a gap about 5px in IE6 and I can't figure out for the life of me why this is occuring. I don't have any margin's or padding set for the <div>...
  5. braves07

    Adding Music to website

    Ok, so here is the deal. I have a website I'm building for a local musician. I've completed the entire site in html/css because flash isn't necessary for anything other than the music. He wants to have several of his songs play on his site with the option to skip tracks, change volume, ect...
  6. braves07

    Need Help with Positioning element - Please

    Perfect.. that worked. Thank you very much.
  7. braves07

    Need Help with Positioning element - Please

    It does the same thing in the main div. It appears at the very top left of the page.
  8. braves07

    Need Help with Positioning element - Please

    Ya, it appears at the top left of the page... but that is not where i want it to appear. I want it to appear over the "blackboard image" like the flat image at the bottom of the page. I want it to be centered. You get what I'm saying? Like... you notice how the "main" section is centered on...
  9. braves07

    Need Help with Positioning element - Please

    Hi. I could really use some help on this I'm lost. I have an element I'm trying to appear at the top, left of the container overtop another image. I have it inside a container trying to position it at top 0px left 0px of the container (not the page) but I'm doing something wrong. It appears...
  10. braves07

    IE7 not displaying my margin-bottom: 4px;

    Hi, thanks for the link. That was a good read, I was unaware of that. But it says that solution does not work in IE7. I already had a width and overflow defined in my container. Also, my border isn't stuck at the top. It displays correctly at the top and both sides and the border is there...
  11. braves07

    IE7 not displaying my margin-bottom: 4px;

    I'm confused. I'm not sure what you mean... or how to achieve the clearing. the html is setup like this. <div id="content"> <div id="content_left"> <p>Information</p> </div> <div id="content_right"> <p>Information</p> </div> </div>
  12. braves07

    IE7 not displaying my margin-bottom: 4px;

    My main area is called - "content" I have a 1px border going around it. Inside content I have 2 columsn - "content_left" and "content_right" They both have a 1px border on them as well. With a margin: 4px 2px 4px 4px; For some reason IE7 is not putting the 4px bottom margin between -...
  13. braves07

    Multiple Images rotating

    This isn't really a question of how to create the effect, but if there is a better way to do it than what I am doing. I see on many sites them using several different images that fade in and out that are good quality images and large dimmensions and they don't have a problem with the file...
  14. braves07

    FLV displays as White Box - Using Dreamweaver 8

    Its down the left column under the news. Its just a white box.
  15. braves07

    FLV displays as White Box - Using Dreamweaver 8

    I put the test site up on bellsouth so you can't see any code, because it only displays the frame details. http://www.att.net/p/s/community.dll?ep=16&groupid=365176&ck= I don't know what is going on. I resized inside of Flash. Reexported the .flv. Redid the entire thing in Dreamweaver...
  16. braves07

    FLV displays as White Box - Using Dreamweaver 8

    BTW the name of the file is Stuart_recycle1.flv and the original size was 320x240 not 340x260.
  17. braves07

    FLV displays as White Box - Using Dreamweaver 8

    Hi. I'm using Dreamweaver 8 to build the site. I had a .wmv file. I imported into Flash - using progressive download method. Got my .flv. I used Dreamweaver 8 to embed the video. I get this code. <code> <script type="text/javascript"> AC_FL_RunContent(...
  18. braves07

    Absolute Positioning Pushing Content

    I had tried changing margins on my h1 earlier w/o any luck, however I added additional information, went back and tried 1 more time to change margins and padding in my h1 and it worked perfect. Thanks for your replies I'm definately going to take your thoughts into consideration with further...
  19. braves07

    Absolute Positioning Pushing Content

    I'm trying to absolute position a background image inside a #div redcircle. The problem I'm having is when I position it at top: 0 left 0 it is pushing the background image in my #div top down about 30px; (In Firefox, IE7 displays correct) Here is my code, any help would be appreciated. body...
  20. braves07

    Absolute Positioning - changing location in different browsers

    Hi, I am trying to position a logo centered and on top of #checkered and #footer. I have 2 div's at the bottom. #checkered {height: 35px} #footer {height: 50px} My entire site is inside a container. #container { width: 780px; height: auto; margin: 0px auto; background-color: #C1C394...

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