Greetings, I am trying to reconcile two tables in Access. Each table contains AccountNames, Trade Prices, Amounts, and Reconciled.
What I would like to do is be able to identify in both tables if there is a match, multi, single or no match. I have the single done with no problems however, The...
Thanks Everyone appreciate your help. kiwidancer,cmithwick,and DougAJ4. I ended up using this
Thank you for your help
TotalNoOfRows = .Cells(65536, col_FacID).End(xlUp).Row
Set TextRange = .Range("D2:D" & TotalNoOfRows)
For Each TextCell In...
Skip. edit replace in the column will not work as the = can be anywhere in the cell. Edit replace I can't get to work in a single cell as the error prevents anything from happening. I've tried many scenarios but the only one can find to work is simulating F2 and enter after I change the field to...
edit replace wont due.
The whole story. The file is received from our loans department. It is a daily record of all loan transactions processed the previous day from all over the world. There are literally thousands of them. The id field as I believe I mentioned in my first and second...
Hello, agree there is error in the field but not realy. The field is an ID field and just about any character or symbol is a valid id for that record. These cells do not contain formulas. When I change the field or column to text the field displays #Name?. Now I need to edit the field using VBA...
I received a file that has a column formatted as general. I first format the column as text. The contents of the cells in this column contain alph numeric and symbols. I need in my code to be able to scan through each row and if a cell in that column begins with = then simulate F2...
Greetings, I have a PP slide with Excel charts in them. When I was using 2003 version of PP I could open PP and click update links and all was well. The charts udpated... Now with 2007 when I click update links my chart in PP blows up to like 2000% in size. I have recreated the charts using 2007...
Cool I like it. Only one issue. It does not select sheet Aging. It runs the code on whatever sheet is seleted on time of open. When I add .select or .activate behind .worksheets("Aging") it errors out.
I am importing a spreadsheet into Access. Prior to importing I have to clean up the data a little. There are some formulas that I want copy pastespecial so I can keep the value of the cell.
When I run the code I get error PasteSpecial method of Range class failed.
Any suggestions...
join expression not supported.
FROM Range INNER JOIN ImportBD2 ON Range.ID = left([ImportBD2]![F6],3);
select *
FROM ImportBD2 I INNER JOIN Range R ON R.ID=Left([F6],3);
Thank you PHV. 2nd works great. You the man!
Skip. Would have used yours if the RANGE table was in the query. There is no way to join it so a lookup seemed my only option.
Thanks Guys for your immediate response and solution.
Greetings, I am trying to do a Dlookup in a query with Like.
I import a table that has acct #s like ###-#####-##
(field name [F6]) I want to flag accounts that are on my list. So I created a table called range with a field called ID and added in the first ### (the other digits are NA to me) to...
I knew you were going to ask that question.
SELECT Master.ID, Master.General, Master.DateReqRec, Master.DateReqEntered, IIf([DateReqRec]=[DateReqEntered],[DateReqRec],[DateReqEntered]) AS 1, IIf([ADPIssued] Is Null,0,1) AS [Comp], IIf([ADPIssued] Is Null,1,0) AS Pending...
Current Query Results
Date Carry New Comp Canned Pending
16-Mar-09 0 19 17 0 2
17-Mar-09 0 47 45 0 2
18-Mar-09 0 19 17 0 2
19-Mar-09 0 25 18 1 6
20-Mar-09 0 33 23 0 10
Currently Pending column will only show the number of items pending for that day. Carry column is null.
Desired Query...
Greetings, I am not sure how to even pose this question. I have a query that does a group by on a date then sums each category.
Each day they have. carried over from previous day, New, Complete, Cancelled, Pending for next day.
like so
Date.....carry .... new .... comp ... can .... pending...
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