I received a file that has a column formatted as general. I first format the column as text. The contents of the cells in this column contain alph numeric and symbols. I need in my code to be able to scan through each row and if a cell in that column begins with = then simulate F2 and enter so the #NAME? is removed and the cell value is visible.
here is what I have. So far it is not reliable.
Any suggestions.
I received a file that has a column formatted as general. I first format the column as text. The contents of the cells in this column contain alph numeric and symbols. I need in my code to be able to scan through each row and if a cell in that column begins with = then simulate F2 and enter so the #NAME? is removed and the cell value is visible.
here is what I have. So far it is not reliable.
Any suggestions.
col_FacID = FindColumn(str_FacID, .Range("A1:Z1"))
Dim Variant_FacID As Variant
Selection.NumberFormat = "@"
TotalNoOfRows = .Cells(65536, col_FacID).End(xlUp).Row
.Application.DisplayAlerts = False
For i = TotalNoOfRows + 1 To 1 Step -1
.Cells(i, col_FacID).Select
AppActivate DataSource1Name, False
SendKeys ("{F2}'^+{ENTER}"), False
.Cells(i, col_FacID).Select
.Application.DisplayAlerts = True