Greetings, I am not sure how to even pose this question. I have a query that does a group by on a date then sums each category.
Each day they have. carried over from previous day, New, Complete, Cancelled, Pending for next day.
like so
Date.....carry .... new .... comp ... can .... pending
03/16..... 5 ....... 10 ..........7........0..........8
03/17..... 8 ........20 ..........15.......0..........21
and so on.
Pending would be a sum from each day that was left over from that day and the previous days. Then carry would be = to the previous days pending.
16th 8 was left over and the 17th 13 was left over so my total for the 17th is 21.
I am doing this in an Access query. Any suggestions where I could start.
Apprecaite your help.
Each day they have. carried over from previous day, New, Complete, Cancelled, Pending for next day.
like so
Date.....carry .... new .... comp ... can .... pending
03/16..... 5 ....... 10 ..........7........0..........8
03/17..... 8 ........20 ..........15.......0..........21
and so on.
Pending would be a sum from each day that was left over from that day and the previous days. Then carry would be = to the previous days pending.
16th 8 was left over and the 17th 13 was left over so my total for the 17th is 21.
I am doing this in an Access query. Any suggestions where I could start.
Apprecaite your help.