workstations getting erorr #214721871 run-time error '5' (2 of the 3 received the same error within 8 seconds today)
Error #-214721871
Timeout Expired
(Source: Microsoft OLE DP Provider for SQL Server)
(SQL State: HYT00)
(NativeError: 0)
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I am getting this event on our sql server
Category 4 event id 18456
Login failed for user 'ETHOSYS'. [CLIENT:]
sql enterprise 2005
Microsoft clustering
It appears often and it has different ip addresses associated with it. Not any one particular ip address but...
It seems to me that we may have an issue when receiving appointments.
If I send an appointment request for someone for ex Oct 28 3pm it shows up fine on their outlook calander. However, if they send me an appointment for 3pm it shows up at 4pm on my calander and reverts the appointment on the...
Its a program called crystal launcher. Its designed to pull reports out of SQL server. The application itself works. However, there is a export button that doesn't work unless I am in install mode. I have another terminal server same OS same applications same exact setup and it works 100%.
Has anyone ever experienced trouble launching an application in /execute mode but when you switch to /install mode the application works? Any Idea how to fix the issue? I am positive that I installed the app in install mode "change user /install" Any help would be greatly appreciated...
can anyone tell me why you wouldn't be able to ping an ip address across a subnet until you navigate through network neighborhood and click on the pc with that particular machine. This happens intimately. Sometimes we have no trouble pinging the machines but other times we can't ping until we...
Current setup
Server 1 DC 2000 standard (DHCP)(DNS)(WINS) Currently holds all 5 fsmo rolls
Server 2 DC 2000 standard
Server 3 2000 member server Exchange 2000
Server 4 2003 Standard R2 Member server
Server 5 2003 Standard R2 Member server
We want to promote the 2003 R2 servers to DC's...
I will be performing a shink of the priv1 and pub1 tonight. Before I do that I am backing up the entire exchange server. So heres the question how do i ensure a complete backup? Should I dismount the store first so that I get a backup of the priv1, pub1 and the stm files?
Tonight I will run the eseutil utility to shrink the exchange 2000 databases. I have a full backup of the exchange server. Can anyone tell me what the proper procedure is to do a restore if it fails and I can't remount the store or if the server won't boot at all.
I need to backup the exchange database and shrink it plus put it in a different location using the eseutil utility does this command look good if anyone can help Thanks
D:\program files\exchsrve\bin\eseutil /d d:\program files\exchsrvr\mdbdata\priv.edb /t e:\priv1.edb
Thanks Mark
The Exchange 2003 server will be a member Sever.
The Server I planned on using for the AD Server is already Joined to the domain and I planned on making it the AD server using the steps you described above.
I wouldn't do the exchange portion of the upgrade for about 2 months...
Let me first say that I started a thread in the 2003 OS area but did not get an answer to my questions.
Current Setup
2000 AD server (DHCP,WINS,DNS,FILE)
2000 Exchange Server
2003 Member Server
Will purchase new 2003 Server for new exchange Server
Proposed plan for Migration
use ad prep...
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