Add the page numbering to the prun command (I will call the new command pgPrun) something like:
/pgNo 1 def % initial page number assignment
/pagenoPositionX 30 def % An example, put real X value here
/pagenoPositionY 30 def % An example, put real Y value here
/Helvetica 10...
Given the string is assigned to a variable, say /Str, then:
Str Str length 1 sub 1 getinterval (s) eq
/Str Str (') cat def
/Str Str ('s) cat def
} ifelse
The code above implies that a catenation operator i.e.
S1 S2 cat -> S1S2
is already defined.
Hope that this helps
And I would add a good debugger too.
For IE and Windows Script Host I would recommend the Microsoft Script Editor (a part of MS Office, you need to explicitly select HTML editting during installation in order to have it installed). Use the debugger javascript keyword to invoke it. You can also...
No. 'Yellow' should be paper color tray attribute for a particular tray set through the printer's console (if possible). Using color is much better than a tray number since it's a logical attribute vs. physical location. Advanced printers support media type attribute which is definitely the best...
The core problem is that after executing
var adID = 1;
if (String(Request.QueryString("ID")) != "undefined"){
var adID = Request.QueryString("ID");
adID is eithed a numeric or an object (but not a string).
This is why .replace is not defined.
var adID =...
One more reason to use PS instead of PDF is that it supports flexible media control, simpex/duplex control etc. which make a lot of sense in terms of document quality. And - of course - PS easily transforms to PDF unfortunately at the expense of losing the fancy stuff I mentioned before.
You better do not put setpagedevice in pagesetupproc body. Put it right after the line that looks like %%Page: number number, the number being the relevant page boundary where you want to change to duplex or back to simplex
<< /Duplex true >> setpagedevice - switches to duplex
<< /Duplex false...
I would not suggest PJL at all. Use the setpagedevice command to do this (ref. PLRM.pdf by Adobe), i.e.
To select color paper or pre-prined forms in simplex inject this line BEFORE the corresponding page in the postscript file:
<< /MediaColor (yellow) /Duplex false >> setpagedevice
You must set...
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