I have this code
if (String(Request.QueryString("adType")) != "undefined"){
var adType = Request.QueryString("adType");
var adID = 1;
if (String(Request.QueryString("ID")) != "undefined"){
var adID = Request.QueryString("ID");
Now I need to rid adID of characters like "<", ">" and quotes "
I use adID = adID.Replace("<",""); but it throws an error that fucntion is nto supported. I also tried lower caps same results!
if (String(Request.QueryString("adType")) != "undefined"){
var adType = Request.QueryString("adType");
var adID = 1;
if (String(Request.QueryString("ID")) != "undefined"){
var adID = Request.QueryString("ID");
Now I need to rid adID of characters like "<", ">" and quotes "
I use adID = adID.Replace("<",""); but it throws an error that fucntion is nto supported. I also tried lower caps same results!