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Search results for query: *

  1. grecon

    Highlight schools that are in a specific date range

    Hi I have a cross-tab comparing 2018 and 2019 sales, I would like to highlight the schools that are new for 2019 but haven't been able to figure out how. I tried right clicking on the school and going to format field, border, background and entered: if{CUST.FIRST_DATE} in Date (2019, 01, 01)...
  2. grecon

    Cross Tab Row Sort

    I have a Cross Tab and the Row lists months with the year - what I would like is for it to list the same month of different years under each other - is this possible? It would make it easier to compare the values of each year. Like this : Jan 2018 Jan 2019 Feb 2018 Feb 2019 Thanks
  3. grecon

    Cross Tab date Selection?

    I have a cross tab that compares my customer type sales yearly, what I would like to do is be able to compare it monthly for example I want to compare 2018 Jan - May with 2019 Jan - May. Any suggestions how to do this? My record selection is this: {INVOICE.SHIPPED_DT} in {?Starting Date} to...
  4. grecon

    Selection Records

    If I do that it seems to not take into account if a customer had multiple orders in that month - (I am also counting the number of orders for the new customers in that month)so when I did equal joins it listed only a count of 1 instead of 2 for a customer that had two orders in May (on different...
  5. grecon

    Selection Records

    Hi I am working on a report where I want to find how many new customers each month so my Select Record is as follows {ORDERHDR.OPERATOR} <> "NW" and {ORDERHDR.ORDER_DT} in {?Starting Date} to {?Ending Date} and not {ORDERHDR.PROFORMA} and not {ORDERHDR.CANCELLED} and not {ORDERHDR.TEMPSAVE} and...
  6. grecon

    Date formula

    Hi I need a formula that will do specific dates but not include customers outside that date. In other words say from 3/1/2012 -2/28/2013 and 3/1/2011 - 2/28/2012 but if the customer ordered in 3/1/2012 - 2/28/2013 they shouldn't be included in the count for 3/1/2011 - 2/28/2012 Any ideas how...
  7. grecon

    Two date ranges

    I figured it out using cross tab but how do I get the date month (I have it by months for each year)to read MAY instead of 5/2012 and so on?
  8. grecon

    Two date ranges

    Hi I have a report that shows territory sales just the state and total sales for a specific date range. Now I would like to add another date range so I can compare 2011 and 2012 but I am unsure how to do this. I am new to crystal - would appreciate any help. Thanks
  9. grecon

    Duplicate Date is being suppressed

  10. grecon

    Duplicate Date is being suppressed

    I have a report that shows: account# customer address city state zip contact invoice# total For some reason the customer, city and state columns are suppressing duplicates. I have checked and I do not have the Suppress Duplicate oe Suppress checked in the format field. Any ideas why this is...
  11. grecon

    Cross Tab spacing problem

    Hi I am having an issue with a cross tab - I have spacing I can't get rid of and it messes up excel when I export. If you look at the photos you will see my settings and the area I am talking about. Any idea how to get rid of the space I show in the 2nd photo marked in red?? Thanks This...
  12. grecon

    ? About Database Fields

    Hi I am fairly new to Crystal and I came across something - I opened an existing report to modify it and I noticed under the database fields it said Address rptStatements I know the address is part of my database but I don't know what the rptstatements is. I thought it was another report but...
  13. grecon

    Formula help

    I keep getting an error the ) is missing but I can't figure out where sum(({ORDERHDR.ORDER_TOT})where year = '2012') -sum ({ORDERHDR.ORDER_TOT}where year = '2011'))
  14. grecon

    Cross-Tab Help

    Hi I have a cross tab that has the months (@monthnames) of the year as the row and the years(ORDER_DT) as the columns for sales figures (SUM of ORDER_TOT), now I want to show the difference for each month/year - for example: 2011 2012 Difference January 50000 35000...
  15. grecon

    Duplicate information

    Is there a way I can supress a whole line if the invoice # is a duplicate? The information reads : Co Name address invoice# date total sale For some reason there are some duplicates of invoice #'s and I need to supress not just the invoice# but the whole line. Is there a formula for...
  16. grecon

    Combine 2 fields

    Thank you so much that worked perfectly: One more think how can I also ask it to choose only the Office Number: PHONES.PHONE_TYPE="O" Where would I fit this into the formula? IF Len({PHONES.PHONE_NUM})>10 then {PHONES.EXTENSION}+""+ {PHONES.PHONE_NUM} ELSE{PHONES.EXTENSION} &...
  17. grecon

    Combine 2 fields

    Actually this is what I want to do but I must be leaving something out cause I am getting an error remaining text doesn't appear to be part of the formula IF Len({PHONES.PHONE_NUM})>10 then {PHONES.PHONE_NUM} else "("&Mid({PHONES.PHONE_NUM},1,3)&")...
  18. grecon

    Combine 2 fields

    Hi how can I combine two fields, I have a phone number and and extension so right now it is PHONES.NUM PHONE.EXT I would like to combine these so it shows in one field.
  19. grecon

    Surpressing duplicates

    I have the phone number as a subrepot since that is the only way to get it in the report due to linking. I am grouping on Customer Name and everything is in the detail section So the output is Customer Name with the phone number under that / Invoice # / an so on but every time there is a...
  20. grecon

    Surpressing duplicates

    I did that but it is still repeating for each individual invoice and I don't want that I just want a customers phone number to show once.

Part and Inventory Search
