You should check the name of your home page and ask the host company to set it to load. EG: home.aspx, or default.asp, or Index.htm? it matters and the hosting company needs to know your home page name and extension. Good Luck!
I have a small web farm that I have had alive for the last ten years. I am running my own DNS server on an old nt 4.0 server. I manage all my web applications and rout internet access through the primary dns server. Now the server hangs every ten or so hours and stops resolving dns, requiring a...
I am replacing the hard drives in an array to increase capacity. I need to copy the data to a temp location than back again with out loosing complex folder permissions for live websites.
Can anyone offer me a safe method to move the files back and forth about 70 gigs of data.
folders like c:\inetpub\logon have been deleted or removed by a hacker. I have tried to reinstall sbs from the cd s but this does not replace the missing content. anyone have a guess how to reinstall the folders and files?
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