Dude, Make your reverse pointer record the same as the banner, not the mx record... Your ISP, if they allow DNS naming changes, should let you put whatever you want. My server xxx.myinternaldomain.com and I have it set as my reverse ptr record. Spam programs and SMTP proxies double check...
Sounds like exchange is owned. Hackers, once in, write all sorts of evil programs that do just what you describe. I would rebuild, from scratch -- do not restore from backup!! To go about this, EXMERGE the mailboxes into PST, or have your users (if smart enough) to archive all their mail into...
are they securing the connection with a vpn tunnel and then connecting via rdp? Mine does that also, but I've just hashed it off as a firewall burp. doesn't happen when I'm RDP'ing via a unsecure connection. i think this has to do with the vpn tunnel sleeping or being reset.
i know this may sound retarded, but I think there is a program that lets you monitor bandwidth per user. maybe if you set each process to run under seperate user accounts, this may find your answer?
shot in the dark
I take it you rebooted exchange on domain 123.com? Make sure you have set the new 2003 rc2 as a global catalog server or make sure you have a global catalog server present on both domains.
Right click mailbox, click properties, click folder size. Is it over or under your limit? If so, browse down and see if there is a bloated mail folder you've missed by browsing manually through the mailbox. GFI and other spam software can be configured to create a spam folder, which is...
Update outlook/office completely before doing anything else.
Have you tried reinstalling outlook? Open outlook in Safe mode (outlook /safe) Try uninstalling antivirus, test to see if any faster.
I would put my money on the antivirus.
I posted this to a later asked question, but I think it relates to your problem
You need a DNS reverse ptr record that mathces your banner name on exchange.
To find out the exact banner name, do a telnet into the mail server on port 25 and look at the display banner (open command prompt...
Sounds like you may need to reinstall IIS.
I'd never normally say this, but I would contact M$ and pay the 250$ for a support ticket, as this could backfire big time on you.
You need a DNS reverse ptr record that mathces your banner name on exchange.
To find out the exact banner name, do a telnet into the mail server on port 25 and look at the display banner (open command prompt, type cmd. type 'telnet mail.myserver.com 25'. You will see your banner name at the...
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