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Search results for query: *

  1. LittleNFiesty

    Code sending 2 emails instead of one?!

    thank you!!!!! I found it!!!
  2. LittleNFiesty

    Code sending 2 emails instead of one?!

    The "blank" email includes: "The Following was submitted via your online form: At: page.asp On: 3/5/2013 3:41:26 PM By: XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX And the second email includes the registered user information along with the above, like it's suppose to. Any ideas base off this additional information?
  3. LittleNFiesty

    Code sending 2 emails instead of one?!

    I can't figure out why the below code is sending two emails. The code is to add a new record to an access db and send an email notifying that a new record was created, but instead of one email sent I always get 2, one blank and one with the correct info. I know it's something obvious but I just...
  4. LittleNFiesty

    Automatically saving log files

    How do I automatically save log files? Every time I upload or sync the website it creates a log file that I can see right after I do that, but I want to automatically save those log files to another folder so I have a history of the logged events. Any ideas? Working with Dreamweaver CS6.
  5. LittleNFiesty

    Not sure where to start...registration form not account login.

    Yes I can do it in classic, but again...where do I start?
  6. LittleNFiesty

    Not sure where to start...registration form not account login.

    I need to create the following and I'm not sure where to start or what to search for to get where I want to go. When a person clicks on a link they go to a registration form and are required to register to get access to the information. But once they register they can access this section of the...
  7. LittleNFiesty

    expandable flash movie

    I want to create an expandable flash movie. Where someone has to click on it and then it expands (not over the content of the page) and if they want to close it a close button that reduces it back down. Does anyone have any idea where I can find a tutorial for this?
  8. LittleNFiesty

    Form Validater??

    Thank you!!! That's exactly what I'm looking for.
  9. LittleNFiesty

    Form Validater??

    I'm not sure what it's called but I want the user to validate that they are actually filling out the form. You know when you fill out the form and at the bottom or after you click submit there is a random picture/code that they need to fill in a field for them to go to the next screen. I would...
  10. LittleNFiesty

    CSS Div tag Question

    I'm redesigned our website to a div tag layout. I need to make my right container to be at least the same height as the left container, but it needs to be able to adjust if the content in the right container is longer than the left container. But the right container needs to be at least the...
  11. LittleNFiesty

    Insert a cell reference in header/footer

    I know you can put in the header/footer to have it print the name of the sheet or file, but I want it to print the data that is in a specific cell in the header. What is the code to do that? Sheet reference is &[Tab] File reference is &[File] Cell reference is....
  12. LittleNFiesty

    Button Behavior

    I've added a generic button to my page (see code below) but when you move your mouse over it you don't get the "hand" to show it's a link...Why, or what do I need to change in the code? <button name="CustomerLogin" value="Customer Login" type="submit" class="BottomNav" style="border: 2px...
  13. LittleNFiesty

    specify what a field will accept

    I want to specify that a field only excepts numbers but it is not a "required field" How do I do this?
  14. LittleNFiesty

    Need to transfer MySQL database to different webserver. HELP

    I don't know what platform it is currently on (I think windows not positive), but it's going to our webserver which is a windows server 2003.
  15. LittleNFiesty

    Need to transfer MySQL database to different webserver. HELP

    Im using MySQL Administrator, and the backup section is disabled. and I've looked around to see if there is a duplicate or export option and I can't find one. Any ideas?
  16. LittleNFiesty

    Need to transfer MySQL database to different webserver. HELP

    I have recently inherited a php website. The news pages are created from a mySQL database, and it is not located in the root folder for the website on the previous webserver. I have access to the the MySQL administrator program and can access the database, but I can't find any where in there...
  17. LittleNFiesty

    CSS div issue

    I have a 2 column layout with div tags with a footer, but the footer only will stay below the right column if the right column is longer. If the left column is longer than it over laps the footer. I've attached a link...Any ideas?
  18. LittleNFiesty

    new to video streaming

    THANK YOU for all the responses. We ended up going with YouTube and embedding the video link. I do have some great ideas to incorporate when we do a full redesign based on your comments! As always AWESOME response!
  19. LittleNFiesty

    &lt;head&gt; content standards

    Thank you. That also answers some of the "quarks" I've been coming across with compatibility issues.
  20. LittleNFiesty

    &lt;head&gt; content standards

    Is there a standard order for the head content? (ie, scripts, include files, metatags, css links, etc)

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