I am trying to get the LAN CTE toolkit going. It would be most helpful to see more coding examples than the two that come with the kit ... it would be really great to see an example of a multi-line phone implemented, or maybe ways to integrate use of the softphone with multiple line buttons...
Figured it out .... Element manager starts out with a tree structure ... but then you need to click on one of the lines in the listboxes to get yet another screen, for doing actual mods. Never mind....
The KIM auto-configured and listed the additional lines on the system without any...
After the "NEW SET" prompt, the 12004 then asks for a password ... but I don't know the password, and the programming manual just says "If you are prompted for a password, enter the password...". Also, it seems like the manual for element manager does not correspond to the actual software ....
While working with BCM50 R2 and an i2004, something happened to the i2004 .... now it won't connnect to the servr and the LCD panel says "NEW SET User Identifier ID:"
What happened?
I've had two problem. When trying to re-install the i2004 after upgrade to Release2, the KIM unit could not be programmed to display additional lines ... the KIM did light up and could be programmed for speed-dial numbers and a few other things, but not line appearances. We have 8 lines and...
I want to dump my BCM50 due to reliability problems. I don't need more capacity, just more reliability. If so, what is the best system to go to? For example, is the BCM400 better than the 200? Should I dump Nortel altogether?
I have an early BCM50 and I need to put in all the latest patches and upgrades. Where can I find the list of what I need to put in? Do I have to buy these, or can they be downloaded? Where are the instructions for putting them in?
Also, any comments on what benefits the patches have had...
I can't get the Computer Telephony toolkit to communicate with the BCM50 ... I think the error message is telling me that I need to buy a CT License Seat .... but when I call around to vendors asking to by a CT License, it seems like no one can deliver. Are these seat licenes available? Do I...
The CDRLive Demo that comes with the toolkit is written in the MFC framework, which I can't figure out. Does anyone have a simple, console demo? It seems to me it should take no more than 10-15 lines of C code to do this ... IF one knows how to call DLL's from a C program ... which I haven't...
Sorry, the title should say "i2004", not 12004....
I don't understand your comment about the key code ... the digital phones handle 7 call appearances presently ... do you think there is a special keycode to do >4 call appearances on the IP phones?
I can't figure out how to program this ... the KEM light up OK, but there seems to be no way to program the buttons in Element Manager. The general Nortel documentation on IP phones shows something about programming the KEM in "LD 11", but I have not a clue what "LD 11" is. Can anyone help...
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