I'm trying to load an external swf into my scene when a button is pressed. I want to be able to animate the movie clip and I want to be specify it's depth.
I tried using loadMovie(url,target). This allows me to animated the target the way I would like, but I don't know how to make sure that...
Is there anyway to have an actionScript repeat on each frame until there is another keyframe without having to copy and paste the actual code to each frame?
I have a scene where I am creating instance of a movie clip using duplicateMovieClip adding more and more on each successive frame up to 10. I have the following actionScript code in each frame 1-10:
var ln:Number;
var duplicate:MovieClip;
var i:Number;
var newY:Number;
var newX:Number;
Well it looks like I found a workaround. Seems like a little of a hack but it works. I just copied my looping animation into the main scene and inserted before everything else. Then put an instance of the movie clip that contains the same animation in the next frame. Now it plays through...
Thanks for looking at this. I think one of the fundamental problems I'm having is that the actionScript in the frame where I'm looping my small animation does not continually keep rechecking. I'm open to any other methodologies for achieving what I'm trying to get. I've been banging...
Okay what I'm trying to do seems pretty simple, but I just can't seem to make it work. I am using Flash MX v.6.0
I have a movie clip on the first frame of the scene which I want to loop while it loads a heavier interactive loading screen. I want the loop to play to continually play until the...
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