Hi Friends,
Am using vfp6 on a win98 box. A network printer Samsung L5120 is installed as default. Whenever I preview a report with REPORT FORM PAYSLIPS PREVIEW works fine. After this an attempt to invoke any commands like DO FORM ... just hangs the computer. I have to coldboot.
It's like...
Thanks alot. May be my example was quite simplistic.
This is really what I want to achieve:
(Am using SPT throughout)
I have an employees table residing on a sqlserver. These table has employee static info. There is also another table
that has the employees payments/benefits/loans etc.as...
Hi Friends
(VFP6 Win98)
If I wished to process a table using fox's native way of processing, I would do something like:
Select stocks
go top
Do While !Eof()
Replace qty with qty + 3
How will I accomplish this if am using Sql pass through
against say Access DB/MSSQL etc...
Craig Berntson
Am not using views. am just USEing the tables then INSERT INTO ... FROM MEMVAR
Please shed some light. I have been forced to disengage the troublesome tables from the DBC.
Thanks in advance
Hi Friends,
My app used to be with no DBC then much later I incorporated a DBC and validation rules/triggers to the tables.
I set some field validation rules but there were some rows which were not meeting the rules demands. To circumvent this I used NOVALIDATE in my SET CHECK lines.
Is the...
Hi Friends,
{VFP6 win98} (I am not on a network)
I have quite a weird scenarion here. I really need help.
I have a table gltranfi.dbf in a database accdbc.dbc.
The app so far has been updating this table without any problems. Now you post an insert and the tableupdate() returns true but a...
Thanks for that piece of advice. I feel it should work since I only have one program which saves chnges to tables
I am hoping the power problem will be sorted out. Then the problem will go somehow.
But just incase the problem is not power... made me look for a lasting solution. ALL or...
How r you brethren?
I have reported this before but I hope you will bear with me. I seem to have a problem with updates to tables. I am buffering them
do my changes
run a program which saves the changes for all tables with a "dirty buffer".
So far everything is okay (Triggers fire...
Time Zone difference: I was a sleep!
Thanks guys. I think my concept of primary keys was rather misplaced. I need to do some sort of reading. I have to change my approach this issue.
What I have learnt from this thread is enough to get me started.
Thanks to all OF YOU!
Hi friends,
I have several tables where the uniqueness of a record
is only guaranteed by compining two or more fields eg.
the General Ledger monthly account balances will have a field ACCOUNT_CODE with ACCOUNT_PERIOD combined to form a primary key.
Are there any known trade-offs with such an...
Sorry guys, I have not checked this thread for some hours
I greatly appreciate your responses. My tables are in DBC and I'll take your piece of advice. I was thinking on those grounds of SEEK() but was not just sure whether it was the best way to go. I want to enforce most of the...
Dear Friends
I wish to enforce a field rule on inventory [stockf.dbf]file. the file has stock code,stock description and stock category. The entry made in the the stock category must exist in a [st_cat]-categories table.
How would this be done using the SET CHECK caluse in ALTER TABLE-SQL...
Well, that's what I thought. I was wrong. So how do I just make sure that sinister index corruption does not cause this scenario.
I'll appreciate any help.
Thanks for the post. However, I have similar code but this comes last for my primary need at the moment is to have the system update failure when index corruption is detected.
Thanks nevertheless.
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