Is this a ASP question of a VB script question?
Lets see some code.
You first need to regulate and check that the user is imputting the time correctly. How are you doing this?
ie. 06:30 or whatever.
You can change the section where it is looking for a vpn site with a 192.168 thing. but that is up to you. Also test before you deploy is you go that route.
'*********** 7-Internet Explorer Proxy Settings
'This section will set proxy settings for Internet Explorer based on IP addresses
We set proxy via long on script.
If ip is 10.10.x.x set to internal proxy else set to blank.
Works like a charm.
GP stinks for what you are trying to do.
You cant just take a DC offline. You have to transfer the roles.
There is a lot to do:
Installing a domain controller
How to view and transfer FSMO roles in Windows Server 2003...
Try to change the channel on the AP. Maybe there is interfence. Check the web interface on the router...maybe you have something set to only allow a certain amount of people to connect. Also you may want to try the cisco forum.
I wouldn't get into the habit of using the computer management. It would be beneifcial to use cmd line arguaments this will help you in the future if you need to do vbscripting or do linux administration.
I use cmd line since it allows me to see what is going on and helps me learn.
Nothing to do with spyware or malware.
Edit your IE settings.
Internet and trusted zone. Set everything to default or for a set set the level to low.
You can also do this via local group policy.
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