Something was wrong with our SQL Server. Restarted the server and the Database error(operation=REV-POST, error=0) errors stopped. I think that the server was not responding like it should be.
And this is how I am creating my OE order
Public Function ImportOEInvoice(Header As clsOEORDH, _
HeaderOpt As clsOEORDHO, _
Detail As clsOEORDD, _
DetailOpt As clsOEORDDO, _...
This is how I am opening my session and OE views
Public Function OpenSession() As Boolean
On Error GoTo ACCPACErrorHandler
Set Session = New AccpacCOMAPI.AccpacSession
Session.Init "", "OE", "OE0520", "53A"
Session.Open modGlobals.UserID...
I am running Sage Accpac 500 ERP (Version 5.3B)
I am having an error while processing day end.
"Journal Detail. Database error(operation=REV-POST, error=0)."
The error seems to create an empty batch in GL with no detail or grill down capabilities. Has anyone had experience with this error?
check if your connection is running gig all the way, if you can upgrade to a raid 10 for performance on the server, that always helps. make sure that your SQL server is running on drives of its own. if you feel that the application is running slow make sure accpac is installed on a seperate...
Avatax is a third party plugin for accpac. It was created by avalara / centry 21. It is used to automated tax calculation from avalara's web site tax rates.
I am using a SQL Server DB. Most of the time no errors occur just the occasional "Sorry for the inconvience Accpac has caused an error and will close now" error and closes the form. I did notice that Accpac says that my avatax component is not active to the company in sysinfo, even though it is...
Tax Services, AR, OE data integrity show up with nothing related. Along with this error, Accpac is not saving detail in AR Invoicing. When a new batch is created and and entry with detail is added Accpac automatically removed the detail but saves all the other related information (Header...
I am having trouble with day end processing failing on an invoice and closing out the window automatically without error. Ran RVSpy and found that the error occurs and closes the day end view after it does a bulk put and then tries tries to read from ARIBT (Detail Comment/Intructions). I have...
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