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Search results for query: *

  1. steveblum

    Is anyone using the MMC SnapIn-Designer for VB

    Jim, I didn't run it silent, since it doesn't have too many windows/questions they have to deal with. The version checking is done by IMMC.exe, so I just let it handle it. If it sees MMC 1.2 or newer, it will quit out of the install early on. So I haven't used the VerGetFileVersion command...
  2. steveblum

    DLLs and Database Connections

    Regarding question 2, use just one connection. Either keep the connection in a class, and then call that class to do anything with the database, or have a connection object defined globally, and then use that object for any database calls. As much as possible use client side, read-only...
  3. steveblum

    How do you get the tab key to tab text, not go to next tab index. rtf

    See if there is a property for the rich text box that affects tab behavior. If not you will have to resort to capturing the key stroke and manually handling it (absorb the key stroke by setting the keycode = 0, add the ascii value of tab to the text in the rich text box).
  4. steveblum

    How do I handle paths with spaces.

    Try putting the path in quotes. Under older versions of windows (pre Win 2000), you had to do this to use spaces in paths on the Start/Run command.
  5. steveblum

    Is it possible to create a self-registering DLL in VB?

    I don't think there is a way to make the DLL a self-registering DLL, but you can do this with an install program. Either Install Shield or Package and Deployment Wizard will registry a DLL. Steve
  6. steveblum

    Is anyone using the MMC SnapIn-Designer for VB

    Jim, What I did was I just included the MMC 1.2 installation program (IMMC.EXE) in my Install Shield setup. It runs at the end of everything else. If it finds MMC 1.2 or newer on the machine, it will just exit out of the installation, otherwise it installs 1.2. Steve
  7. steveblum

    Is anyone using the MMC SnapIn-Designer for VB

    Dave, Sorry to take so long getting back. Anyway, I've done one very large project as a VB Snap-In. Unfortunately, I can't really send you any samples because that one project is the administrator for a large software product we have that I re-wrote. Since it is a part of a $20K plus...
  8. steveblum

    Adding Help File with Runtime Distribution

    Is there a help file that I can include with my runtime distribution that will provide users with help on the CR Viewer? Especially so they can see how to use the Print and Export features, without my having to rewrite all the help.
  9. steveblum

    date fields as part of a primary key in access 97 ???

    Whenever you use a date field in the key, the trick is getting the formatting right when you use a where clause on that field. For example, if you say: Select * From mytable Where dtDate = '01/01/01 1:00 am' this might fail to return what you want. The reason is the datebase might actually...
  10. steveblum

    Tracking changes to individual fields of a record

    In a full blown database, such as SQL-Server or Oracle, you would do this by using Update triggers. I haven't worked with Access since Access 97, but to my knowledge it doesn't offer triggers. If Access 2000 does, this would be the way to do it. You would execute code in the trigger to write...
  11. steveblum

    Formatting SQL SELECT using SUMs returns an error

    Jeffrey, The Sum function returns a sum of all the values in each record for that field. It does not return the number of records. To return that you would use the Count function. For you to use Sum, the field must be a numeric field. Are Mon, Tues, ..., numeric fields? If not, maybe you...
  12. steveblum

    Retrieve name of calling EXE

    Try looking at the Parent object, maybe something like: Parent.Name or Parent.Title
  13. steveblum

    ASP Pages

    This is a complicated subject, but the short answer is no, there is no simple way to do this. Your options: 1. Use Visual Interdev to recreate the user interface and port all the code to server-side and client-side script. VERY NON TRIVIAL. 2. Create a Web project in Visual Basic. When you...
  14. steveblum

    Copy tables using recordset

    I think based on what you are trying to do, you don't have a choice but to go through every record in the first recordset using a loop (rs.movenext until rs.eof = true). Either do an insert into the other table or a dynamic recordset pointing to the second table with a .addnew and .update...
  15. steveblum

    why does textbox scroll up?

    Here is how I got it to work: Private Sub Text1_Change() Dim lngCount As Long Dim lngPosition As Long lngPosition = 0 Do lngPosition = InStr(lngPosition + 1, Text1.Text, vbCr) lngCount = lngCount + 1 Loop Until lngPosition = 0...
  16. steveblum

    How keep alive some .exe

    You can use the AppActiveate command to see if the program is alive, as long as it has an active window. AppActivate uses the title of all open windows in the system to find the app and activate it. If the app isn't found, an error 5 occurs, so you can trap for that. If it is found, your code...
  17. steveblum

    exporting A Crystal Report to word for from VB6

    I am using the new CRAXDRT object in Crystal 8. My code looks like this: General Declarations: Public crApplication As New CRAXDRT.Application Public Sub Export_To_Word Dim crReport As CRAXDRT.Report Set crReport = crApplication.OpenReport("MyReport.rpt") With crReport...
  18. steveblum

    Testing for Nothing

    You need to use the syntax If obj is nothing then 'stuff endif Using the equal sign in the If statement won't work. To assign an object to nothing, use set: set obj = nothing. Hope this helps.
  19. steveblum

    Using MS Common Dialog for a path only, no file

    I have an app with a text box where the user needs to type a path, but no file name. I need the directory name so I can write files to it. Anyway, is there a way to use MS Common Dialog to do this? Otherwise I'll have to use the old Drive and Directory controls and write my own form. Thanks...
  20. steveblum

    How do you add a Timer to a Module or Class Module

    The DECLARE SUB statement goes in the top of a module or class. The rest of the code can go anywhere you want to call SLEEP from.

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