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Search results for query: *

  1. elgrandeperro

    DNS Root domain forwarder

    I believe ( I haven't done this in a while) but you can declare the NS servers for the domain .xyz seeded in your root cache. The root cache is just a hint (for .) so your would add this to the root cache. xyz. 3600000 NS nameofxyzdnserver.xyz...
  2. elgrandeperro

    Bind9 wildcard to redirect ALL IP's

    Using DNS for this is a poor choice. A port forward can do it trivially for port 80.
  3. elgrandeperro

    Virtual Host issue

    You can always bind that one to a different IP and host it on the same server, whether or not if it is virtual hosting.
  4. elgrandeperro

    U in Uname Command

    unix name
  5. elgrandeperro

    Output of ps

    The associated tty, in this case a psedo tty that the process is connected. Do a who or last...
  6. elgrandeperro

    failed to copy 1 huge file

    So we know the reading is from usb device. What I am unclear is where are you writing. Use the "df directory_that_you_are_writing" to figure out what physical device your are writing on. Is it NFS or an ext3 device. If ext3, what is the block size.
  7. elgrandeperro

    Concurrent Connection Limits, protection from surpassing, planning for

    All the tuning parameters are on the server end, which means if he is hosted he probably cannot change any of them. We typically twiddle MaxClients, ServerLimit, MaxRequestsPerChild, ListenBackLog, MaxSpareServers, MinSpareServers in Apache, and a host of OS related stuf like NumProcs, file...
  8. elgrandeperro

    failed to copy 1 huge file

    Check the block size of your filesystem. http://www.howtoadvice.com/Ext3Max/
  9. elgrandeperro

    failed to copy 1 huge file

    Yeah, I am still not sure if you are writing on the NAS or hard disk. Do the df thing to make absolutely sure you which physical device you are writing. You said "NAS" attached, is this an automount? If you did the "wc -l" that eliminates the usb because that reads all bytes.
  10. elgrandeperro

    failed to copy 1 huge file

    what is the failure? Is it logging in /var/log/messages anything? Is it a read (I would run "wc -l THEUSBFILE". This is a simple test, wc needs to read all the bytes to calculate things. So this verifies the reading. But first, in the directory you are writing, go "df -k ." to verify you have...
  11. elgrandeperro

    DNS forwarding doubt

    What flavor is the external DNS server? Typically one can solve this with Split Horizon DNS such that the external has a different "view" of the internal. I don't believe windows DNS has split horizon, however.
  12. elgrandeperro

    DNS service or server with this feature??

    I haven't done it in a while, but wildcards on bind work on A records. So you would specify the records for dean and myweb. dean in A myweb in a * in A ;for the rest. This also works for CNAMES. www in a * IN CNAME www.alvazan.com. BTW, @ means the domain...
  13. elgrandeperro

    Listening for SMTP (MS Exchange) on redundant routers

    The smtp/mta protocol already handles this; it tries both MX records if they are weighted the same. So as long as both can route mail, advertise both at the same MX precedence. If one goes down, then the other will be tried. If you prefer one over the other, make the preferred one at a lower...
  14. elgrandeperro

    Virtual Host configuration

    I stand corrected. Yes, you probably can integrate virtual host with multiple proxies. Here is the first google doc that has an example: http://confluence.atlassian.com/display/DOC/Using+Apache+with+virtual+hosts+and+mod_proxy you see it has a name based virtual host, and uses the proxy...
  15. elgrandeperro

    user privileges

    sudo can do it.
  16. elgrandeperro

    Virtual Host configuration

    I assume you are doing some port forwarding with the single external IP? There is no way to distinguish the port 80 traffic (unless it does some deep packet inspection). You probably can only port forward the 80 traffic inbound to a single 10 address...there is no way to forward to both...
  17. elgrandeperro

    DNS - Does not keep site info for NASA.gov

    The problem is that www.nasa.gov is cnamed to speedera, which is cnamed edgesuite, which is cnamed to akamai. One option might be to forward to opendns or your isp's dns servers?
  18. elgrandeperro

    DNS - Does not keep site info for NASA.gov

    If the ping dropped, then you don't have a clean network connection. It should only drop the first few if any. When I said continous, I meant like ping -t Right, not typing it again and again. I think you are dropping packets. Changing the default timeout and # of tries will...
  19. elgrandeperro

    Understanding https in DMZ - why two ips?

    Agree. Most likely it is sloppy programming. The only reason I can think of is that they have a management ip backend that uses 443, but they could use digital certs to protect the traffic.
  20. elgrandeperro

    DNS - Does not keep site info for NASA.gov

    First, you don't have reverses configured for your own dns servers. So it is spending time trying to reverse the name to display in the nslookup output. Use interactive mode, setting the timeout bigger than 2. nslookup - > set debug > set timeout=5 > www.nasa.gov Is your...

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