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  • Congratulations Mike Lewis on being selected by the Tek-Tips community for having the most helpful posts in the forums last week. Way to Go!

Search results for query: *

  1. msintrepid

    Win98 hangs at Windows Splash Screen

    Use partition magic from powerquest.com
  2. msintrepid

    Win98 hangs at Windows Splash Screen

    Hmmm - I must be a whole lot older than you - yes, it means format. Is there anyway I can selectively just wipe the C partition?
  3. msintrepid

    Win98 hangs at Windows Splash Screen

    Running Win98 with P3-550 - have tried to roll back the registry 2 days, but same problem persists. When I boot into safe mode, that locks up - cannot access Start Menu. Windows is all alone on the C partition - if I have to slick the disk, can I just slick C and not affect the other...
  4. msintrepid

    Explorer.exe Application Error

    Running W2k SP1. When opening Windows explorer, My computer, then expanding local drive C: I get the following error Event Type: Information Event Source: Application Popup Event Category: None Event ID: 26 Date: 1/1/2002 Time: 4:05:38 PM User: N/A Computer: ********* Description...
  5. msintrepid

    Windows Explorer Problem

    Running W2k SP1. When opening Windows explorer, My computer, then expanding local drive C: I get the following error Title of Error Explorer.Exe - Application Error Dialog box: The instruction at "0x038bba72" referenced memory at "0x0000000". The meory could not be...
  6. msintrepid

    windows 2000 scandisk and defragmenter problem

    I'm running Win2K as a stand alone - and I can't even get Scan Disk to run - every time I try, it tells me that I don't have "exclusive" control over the disk, and therefore it will run the next time I boot up. Is there any way around this?
  7. msintrepid

    CD drawer won't close

    Will do!! Thought it might be the drivers - thanks for the input!
  8. msintrepid

    CD drawer won't close

    ngagne Are you sure? This is a customer's PC and his idiot son deleted a bunch of files - what, we're not certain - could it just be the drivers are hosed and not the drive itself?
  9. msintrepid

    CD drawer won't close

    Do you have any idea what could be causing the problem with this CD ROM? It opens on boot up, closes and then opens again and stays open. When you put a disk in or push the button to close it, it closes but doesn't read the disk and the tray comes open and stays open. I even tried holding the...
  10. msintrepid

    W2K SP2 Question

    I bow to your knowledge!! Thanks Techshoot!!
  11. msintrepid

    W2K SP2 Question

    Thanks techshoot - but why did this guy pop up all of a sudden - when I was running SP1 it never showed it's little face - how does the installation of SP2 have this effect?
  12. msintrepid

    W2K SP2 Question

    Just downloaded SP2 to my stand alone system. All seems to be OK (knock wood) however, my ZoneAlarm is going crazy blocking (or wanting to block) a "Service & Controller App". If I block it, I cannot access the internet.Does anyone have any idea what this is, what part it plays with...
  13. msintrepid

    Win 98 re-install question

    Thanks, cdogg - I've been looking for that bit of re-assurance. Whew!!
  14. msintrepid

    Win 98 re-install question

    Hi Running Win 98 on the C drive of a partitioned hard drive. After being struck by Nimda, and clearing out infected files and running SFC - find the Win 98 installation is shaky at best. So in order to re-install Win 98 on the C draive again, what is the command in DOS to only...
  15. msintrepid

    Programs that load at Windows startup

    For a handy list of what all that mumbo jumbo that is listed in start up, check out http://www2.whidbey.net/djdenham/Printerdesktop.htm Not complete by any means, but a good start Hope that helps!!

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