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  1. NullTerminator

    Executing Perl from HTML

    Two thing may be missing in your httpd.conf file Server side includes must be enabled. For the folder containing the file, make sure Options +Includes is specified You may also want to specify additional file extensions to be filtered AddOutputFilter INCLUDES .shtml The following links will...
  2. NullTerminator

    CustomLog Not working in apache2.2.9 on ubuntu 8.10

    No, No virtual hosting. Single site on the box. Single apache instance. Still no luck - moving to Centos 5 Also having issues with perl operator <> not using STDIN without explicitly specifying <STDIN> Oh well... Ubunbtu is nice for desktop, but weak as server platform sh vs bash is also...
  3. NullTerminator

    {n,m} quantifiers ot work in awk

    I can't seem to get [0-9]{6,6} to match anything \d\d\d\d\d\d won't match either. Is the regex in gawk somewhat weak?
  4. NullTerminator

    CustomLog Not working in apache2.2.9 on ubuntu 8.10

    elgrandeperro, You are correct, it is a paste and haste error. even the predefined referer format won't work, let alone my custom_io format LogFormat "%{Referer}i -> %U" referer CustomLog /var/log/apache2/jb_referer referer No errors in the error_log unless I intentionally misspell...
  5. NullTerminator

    CustomLog Not working in apache2.2.9 on ubuntu 8.10

    apache creates empty log file on startup but wo't write anything to it, defalt log is working LogFormat "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b" common LogFormat "%{Referer}i -> %U" referer LogFormat "%{User-agent}i" agent CustomLog /var/log/apache2/jb_common common CustomLog /var/log/apache2/jb_referer...
  6. NullTerminator

    how to access two dimentinal arraies which hold ASCII code,

    Maybe something more like this would get you to the character you want. (Ignoring the controllatch bytes, I am not fluent on the handshaking.) void PRTFuntion (unsigned char* whatCharToPrint ) { char* pLCDByte = 0; // print on each "page" is each page a color ? for ( int LCDPage = 0 ; LCDPage...
  7. NullTerminator

    perl open +&lt; on windows occasionally truncating file

    When you switch to binmode, could it be chopping off an end of file marker? Some files may be using char 26 as an end of file marker. If you skip the binmode call, does all work as expected?
  8. NullTerminator


    Visual C++ certainly does give you some visual design tools. Its not the the same, but it gets you off to a good start. Click the resources tab and create a new dialog. You can drag and drop controls onto the dialog face. You can use class wizard to associate member variables ad events to...
  9. NullTerminator

    Can I modify existing project to create a new dll within Visual C++

    I guess you probably found your answer, but if not... It sounds like the original dll either had a databse file that si missing from this project, or it had a dependency on some other dll for the database stuff. Missing a linker dependency to another .lib file...
  10. NullTerminator

    LIB file cannot be created in a process making a DLL

    I find it easier to export things using __declspec void __declspec(dllexport) beep(DWORD dwCounter) { DWORD loop; for(loop=0; loop<dwCounter; loop++) { Beep(400, 100); Sleep(1000); } } And to simplify usage by clients, add _BUILDING_MY_DLL to the C++ Preprocessor...
  11. NullTerminator

    java web start how to load resources

    I am doing first JWS project. Application can run from a jar file, but for the "Help" function I use registered default browser to open the help.htm. How to bundle "loose" files with project, or do a loadAsResource from the jar and get it into the browser? new to jws, but generally strong in...
  12. NullTerminator

    Dumb as a rock newbie

    Sounds like a question for the cold fusion forum http://www.tek-tips.com/threadminder.cfm?pid=232
  13. NullTerminator

    Silly CGI problem

    I'm with RhythmAce. I don't think your ssi is functioning. Make sure your httpd.conf includes AddHandler server-parsed .shtml AddType text/html .shtml Options +Includes Either globally, or put the Options +Includes in a <Directory> Tag Test it with a simple <!--#include...
  14. NullTerminator

    CGI prog in VC6 how to activate the debugger

    You need to attach to the apache application. Make sure you have sp5 applied, there should be a "show all processes" check box or something similar to allow you to see processes owned by other users. Do the attach, then set your breakpoint. Are the cgi's dlls or exes. With dlls when you...
  15. NullTerminator

    Multiple if's in sngle log file read in loop --Help

    you could set upt the aliases in a hash my %aliases; $aliases{'jdoe'} = 'abc'; $aliases{'bfoo'} = 'abc'; $aliases{'jjones'} = 'abc'; $aliases{'msmith'} = 'xyz'; $aliases{'zbills'} = 'asdf'; $aliases{'vgoo'} = 'asdf'; # etc while loop over input $account = $aliases{$uid}; # process...
  16. NullTerminator

    Problem loading page even with Apache running

    Stop the firewall(s) Check the error_log What output do you get from this command windoz netstat -an | findstr :80 or *nix netstat -an | grep :80 What do you mean McAffee allows apache to access the web???? It's tough to help much with such a vague question jeb
  17. NullTerminator

    I'm an apache newbie need help with a module

    Two of the simplest things are copy config.log from the original build location. This has the original ./configure command line. Also save a copy your httpd.conf file. Besides that, you can build the newer version to a different destination directory so it doesn't interfere with the original...
  18. NullTerminator

    Help: Limit connection per IP?

    You might want to look at http://www.cohprog.com/mod_bandwidth.html or mod_throttle http://www.snert.com/Software/mod_throttle/ I'm not sure if there are ports for Apache 2.x yet This looks promising... http://www.topology.org/src/bwshare/README.html Jeb \0
  19. NullTerminator

    I'm an apache newbie need help with a module

    2.0.54 would not be considered "very old" as Rhythm is mentioning. Make sure you have LoadModule proxy_module modules/mod_proxy.so in your httpd.conf the <IfModule mod_proxy.c> directive just tests to see if mod_proxy.so is loaded. HTH Jeb 0\
  20. NullTerminator

    LoadModule php5 refusal

    It is likely a path issue. Check the event log. Check your path to see if c:\php5 is included Try explicitly loading the php5apache.dll like this cd \apache_home (wherever that is) c:\winnt\system32\regsvr32 c:\php5\php5apache.dll regsvr should load the dll, but give a warning that it was...

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