Thank you very much. It solved part of the problem My footnotes restart from 1 in the place where the link was lost, and even doing what you said they didn't continued from the last number. Thay pass form 143 to 1 again.
The footnotes numbering in my document restarted in the middle of the document. In the setup, the restart option is off. I imported text to the document latter on and that's w when it happened. Thank tou.
InDesign CS2 has a specific format (font and font size) for the footnotes. Can we edit this thing? Can we change the font type and size? Thank you very much.
I have a small network (1 server and 8 workstations) and I only granted Internet access to two workstations. They are the only ones where I cinfigured a default gateway. It's a bit "snickerware" and a solution for small intranets.
I installed an application in my intranet and I keep getting the "run time error 75" when I log in as user (as administrator everything works fine). I granted permissions to the users that should have solved the problem, but it didn't. Any ideas. Thank you very much.
I'm having troubles accessing my server, even as administrator, trough the window control panel > network > microsoft network > etc. > my server. But when I do Execute > \\server (or \\server from IE) I access the server fine. Any suggestions? Thank you very much.
I forgot to tell you I disabled the router dhcp and I use my server dhcp service. I reserved an address of my pool to the router. If I understood you well I only have to define the Default Gateway to my users, they get an ip from the server and then enable forwarders as you said. Thank you very...
I'm tryingo to distribute internet in my office. The internet signal enters via a router. I configyred the gateway as the router ip. When I try to conect to the internet I must put the internet dns as the prefered dns server but the secondary dns - my office net dns - doesn't work. I access the...
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