Regarding the cost to upgrade, just call Crystal. Their sales line is quick. I will bet the cost is steep, as that seems to be the direction that company is moving (moderately deceptive licensing schemes, astronomic fees).
Regarding security SANS upgrade, could you code some ASP to force a...
I have not used 8.0- I believe it's 'viewer' is some kind of ActiveX deal and needs to be downloaded. Someone who actually knows what they're talking about will set us straight any moment now...
I believe it works like this: if you're using Crystal Enterprise (with CR 8.5), which is one headache after another but works very well once you struggle through it's assinine idiosyncrasies, they don't need any special software. If you're using pre-8.5 (I think), browsers will need some kind...
That's an excellent workaround, AMurdoch! I wish I had thought of it a while back...
I had this problem for a while, and, after banging my head on the desk for a week and two hours on hold with Crystal support, I was told something to the effect of the following:
BEFORE you create the report...
You use the 'Select' statement as follows:
Select {table.field}:
Case "whatever"
Do this
Case default
Do this
I don't know if I mucked the exact syntax or not, but if you check the help files and search for 'select case', you'll find it! -rodbac
I left this one alone for a while and now am back working on it. Thanks for your reply...
So if I make a formula for each day of the month (formula1, formula2, etc), how do I grand total each formula (run some kind of counter specific to that formula?) and how would I chart on the result? I...
Thanks for the info, Malcolm.
The odd thing here is: 'Global' doesn't seem to be able to be accessed report-wide, but 'Shared' does.
I am sure there is something causing the difference in behavior in our cases, but whatever that is remains a mystery. -rodbac
Sorry to beat this up if it's not working for you, but did you try assigning the info to a variable instead? Like this:
Shared StringVar x;
If {table.field} = "" Then
x := "N/A"
x := {table.field};
This method is working for me as I type this. If this still...
I believe you'll need to graph on a formula instead of the field, and the formula should look something like this:
If {table.graphField} = "" //OR If IsNull({table.field})Then
I have not done this before, so my syntax may be haywire...
I believe that is a preference (option) that you can modify. Poke around in file -> options and in the format editor for places where you can set custom options for number fields. Also, go to help -> crystal reports help and search for "negative numbers parentheses" (or something...
I think I have run into this problem before, and 2 hrs on the horn with Crystal support finally gained me the following info:
In file -> options, BEFORE you create a report, you have to choose how you want to format numbers (file -> options -> fields -> number -> number). You cannot change the...
The variables are global by default (at least in 8.5) but there is a difference between 'global' and 'shared', and I think that 'shared' is what I envision when I speak of a 'global' variable. So if I want the variable to be used throughout the report, I always declare it like this...
Declare a shared variable to use as a counter (in a formula) like this:
Shared NumberVar x;
x := x + 1;
Insert that formula in the details field and suppress it.
Then put this formula in the group header (and suppress it, also):
Shared NumberVar x;
x := 0;
Now, right...
A novice suggestion:
Instead of the IsNull function, did you try:
If {table.field} = "" Then...
It's worked for me in the past... -rodbac
The actual values (counts of ideas entered worldwide) will come from the db.
I don't know where the values for the fixed line (goals) should come from (I have the values in an Excel table - maybe I will just have to create another table in the database?)...
Thanks, Ken, for your previous help on charting on days that aren't in the db. I will give your suggestion a try...
I also need to create a fixed line on a chart to show the 'expected/planned' values (to be compared to the actual values which will also be on the same chart). This one has me...
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