Hi all!
I don't get it...
For another report it works perfectly...
What could be the problem?
Dfrom = Format(Dfrom, ("yyyy,mm,dd"
Dto = Format(Dto, ("yyyy,mm,dd"
repC.SelectionFormula = "{Module_time.Ship Date} in Date (" & Dfrom & "
to Date (" & Dto & "
The name of the field is not misspelled and in the intermediate window I have:
{Module_time.Ship Date} in Date (2001,01,01) to Date (2001,07,01)
Please, give me a ahnd with that...
I don't get it...
For another report it works perfectly...
What could be the problem?
Dfrom = Format(Dfrom, ("yyyy,mm,dd"
Dto = Format(Dto, ("yyyy,mm,dd"
repC.SelectionFormula = "{Module_time.Ship Date} in Date (" & Dfrom & "
The name of the field is not misspelled and in the intermediate window I have:
{Module_time.Ship Date} in Date (2001,01,01) to Date (2001,07,01)
Please, give me a ahnd with that...