the link doesn't exist i write it as an example... my poit its that the link works in the swf file but when i put the swf in a htm document the link dont work
its a programa for a doctor... when a pacient go to a medic examination the doc put info in that field, so he can make a medic history of the pacient, thats why i make a memo field but i dont know how to make it in PW
Jorge MD
hi everybody
i have a flash file with an url link in it... the link works fine only if i run the SWF file but when i insert the swf in a htm file in dreamweaver the link dont work... waht can be wrong?? in the flash file i have a text block with this link....
i going to translate one app from visual fox pro to PW9... but it has a memo field to strore in it text the user input... the amount of that text can vary...(1 character to 6 MB) what type of field i must use in PW to do that??.. varchar or varcharlong??? .... tnx for the help
hi everybody.... i recently develop a employe's check time program now my boss want a biometic software conected to the program... my quuestion is... the finger print scanner waht give.... a jpg image... numbers, characters?? so i put in employe's database so the program can identify when they...
if you use form to do that try mike´s sugestion like i use in my forms a grid & a textbox in the interactiveEvent of the textbox use this:
browse for "&textsearch"$FIELD
hope this help
Jorge MD
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