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Search results for query: *

  1. JimFlower

    Treeview control not working on Windows 2000

    you may need to make shure the ocx files are registered on the 2000 machine I use the P&D wizard for this purpose or your db may have an other ref missing but you should see missing in the references P.S. can you check out my question in MS Access Other Topics Clear / Delete Nodes
  2. JimFlower

    Clear / Delete Nodes from TreeView Control

    I have a treeView control which I have populated with Nodes but I can't figure out how to reinitilise it to add another set of nodes sofar I can add nodes other code examples are welcome ie edit / update existing nodes delete nodes current node value referencing(im using the nodeclick event...
  3. JimFlower

    Access 2000 developed on win 2000 installed on win98 with RTAccess Err

    It works when installed on Win2000 with RTAccess it falls over when opening some data forms from a cmd button docmd.openForm "formName" from investigation of knowlage base and intuition seams to be a regestry or missing dll problem I have cut out all but DAO3.6 and im including that in the...
  4. JimFlower

    Access 2000 developed on win 2000 installed on win98 with RTAccess Err

    I developed an paalication with access 2000 packages it When deployed on win 2k workstation or xp it works fine but when deployed on win 98 there are errors invalid page fault in module kernel32.exe
  5. JimFlower

    Access locked by User

    Look at the settings in the advanced tab in the options screen found on the tools menu
  6. JimFlower

    Security on Access 2000

    you need to create a shortcut with a command line simmila to this "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office\Msaccess.exe" "C:\working\DatabaseDir\Dev\Program.mdb" /WRKGRP "C:\working\DatabaseDir\Dev\SecutityFile.mdw" or on each workstation use the MS Access Workgroup Administrator found in...
  7. JimFlower

    P&D wizard setup cannot continue

    I have packaged a database but when i install to a cleen machine with just win 2000 the setup process stops and says "Setup cannot continue because some system files are out of date on your system......." I then continue the machine reboots and the smae problem happens again and so on
  8. JimFlower

    Multiple tables

    look up the tabledef colection you can step threw the collection one by one in code or create a table of the table names and step threw the records one by one using your tableName field as a variable in your code In the vba editor View menu, Object Browser you will see the objects and...
  9. JimFlower

    Multiple tables

    We need more information 20 data files is this 20 seporate mdb files are they copys of each other give us a clue to what you want to do to the 20 data files or is it the structure you wish to change
  10. JimFlower

    Here we go again..continous forms and formatting question

    im trying to write 0 [ b l a c k ] ; 0 [ r e d ] ; 0 [ b l a c k ]
  11. JimFlower

    Here we go again..continous forms and formatting question

    sorry should be &quot;0[Red];0[Black];0[Black]&quot; can't seem to get it to work with your overdue stuff just < or > 0
  12. JimFlower

    Here we go again..continous forms and formatting question

    0[Red];0[Black];0[Black] put this in the format property
  13. JimFlower

    Array as report sourse

    Thought about querys i have time sheets and for one given week i can get a total hrs per week for each employee then i need to extract 17 weeks from a supplied date for each employee but if an employee was off sick or did not work then for a week i need 17+1 week and so on dynamicly if this...
  14. JimFlower

    Run time error 429

    this is probably got some thing to do with Dlls In access you can attach references to a dll I asume VB has a simila feacher try including a file DAO3.x look up the exact filename in the references in access
  15. JimFlower

    Array as report sourse

    I whish to build a data structure containing an aray of records then display this data in a report the data will contain multipul records of employeeName Week1 Week2 Week3 AvrageOfWeeks I would rather not create temp tables or fill a table as Its for a multiuser database and i don't wish it...
  16. JimFlower

    Navigation with Combo Box values

    Dim DB As Database Dim rst As Recordset Set DB = CurrentDb Set rst = DB.OpenRecordset(&quot;TableName&quot;, dbOpenDynaset) rst.MovePrevious rst.MoveNext rst.MoveLast rst.MoveFirst rst.Close Set DB = Nothing TableName can be swaped for SQL
  17. JimFlower

    Navigation with Combo Box values

    You may also have the record you want in the combobox just add columns and ref them in code x = Me.LastName.column(5) etc
  18. JimFlower

    Navigation with Combo Box values

    Dim DB As Database Dim rst As Recordset Set DB = CurrentDb Set rst = DB.OpenRecordset(&quot;TableName&quot;, dbOpenDynaset) rst.FindFirst &quot;FeildName ='&quot; & Me.LastName & &quot;'&quot; Me.x = rst.x Me.y = rst.y Me.z = rst.z rst.Close Set DB = Nothing
  19. JimFlower

    Creating Hyperlinks strings from VBA

    try this function docfile takes the full path Public Sub OpenExcelDoc(docfile As String, boolReadOnlyDoc As Boolean) Dim MyExcel As Object DoCmd.Hourglass True On Error Resume Next Set MyExcel = GetObject(, &quot;excel.application&quot;) 'getobject( If Err.Number > 0 Then Set...
  20. JimFlower

    Eliminating Macros from Custom toolbars

    Yes create Public functions then in the OnAction of the propertys of your menu item enter =functionname()

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